The next BC&SJ release is imminent, here are a few screen shots
Sometime tomorrow BCSJ-555-RHR should be available on the DLS.
The biggest changes are:
the double track from East Breton to Salem is now configured for right-hand-running (hence the RHR...)
the portals at Portland, Wishram (on the Deschutes branch), and Pocatello have been replaced by staging (storage yards) because I became suspicious of the portal functionality
The Deschutes Jct. wye has been move to facilitate Oregon Trunk Line trains passing through and swapping blocks of cars.
Expect three files:
BCSJ-555-RHR (the Route)
BCSJ-555-RHR - Default (default Session with no pre-configured trains)
BCSJ-555-RHR-BASIC (a Session with many trains present in the three staging yards and in other places. Note: a number of these trains use JR and K&L payware locos)
Note that there are no pre-configured trains with pre-configured driving instructions. This is still a jump on a train and drive it where ever you feel like it route.
Other changes:
I removed all the Enhanced Interlocking Towers - I couldn't get them to work the way I wanted so out they went. For now anyway.
Fixed some exceedingly lumpy track in the Bear Creek yard's west end drill track
Added more vegetation in the Salem area
(1) Portland staging - 10 arrival tracks on the right (plus mainline), 10 departure tracks on the left plus mainline. Are the signs obvious enough? Tracks are long enough for 100+ car trains. I have no idea what is causing the dark streaks leading off to the left from the front of the Daylight passenger train!
(2) Another view of the BCSJ-555-RHR-BASIC trains
(3) The Salem classification yard with a couple of trains sitting in it. The train on the right is intended to be the Garibaldi turn that runs to Ross Jct., then out the Coast branch. The boxcars go to the lumber mill at the end of the Garibaldi wye tail track. The reefers go the seafood packing plant at Oyster Bay.
(4) Looking across the Salem classification yard toward the passenger station with a couple of passenger trains parked in front of it.
(5) This early morning East end of Salem shot shows some of the sprawl of Salem.
(6) East Breton with St Paul on the other side of the Noname River
(7) Jefferson
(8) Looking across the tracks and past the Jefferson depot where a lot of people are waiting for a train
(9) The Frank lumber complex is reached by following a short branchline from Browning. The hills in the background are being clear-cut with a 3' narrow gauge railroad hauling the logs down to the mill. In the '50s centerbeam lumber cars had yet to be invented. Lumber was hand-loaded into box cars, a rather labor intensive, time-consuming process.
Stay tuned for more in the next installment...