Auran in the News


The difference between the quantities of available assets is a factor to be considered. Kuju must have known that this was one area where Trainz had an edge and as Trainz was the game they were aiming at, they should have made an effort to provide more content, 150 assets in todays market is pitiful. Especially when you consider the other areas where they appear to be failing.

It does seem that they were badly prepared for the launch in so many ways that the present negativity is only to be expected.

Anyway, why should we not be biased, RS has been hyped as being the final epitome of train sims, this is a Trainz forum, we are Trainz people and now the new idol has been seen to have feet of clay. Striving to find the miniscule good points will not change our minds.

A final point, 'fairness' does not come into the situation, this is commercial competition, and nothing is fair in that area. Perhaps it was not 'fair' that KUJU entered into competition with Auran, works both ways.


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Going on wit' it...

8) ...ah heck if your going to get laid off, and your a temp anyway, why not Christmas?

These folks made bucoo bucks, that don't mean they saved any, just had a lot of fun, on someone else's hardrive, and 3D software!

They'll get hired, after the first of the year, on someone else's budget.

Auran is still in the running, with enough to backup support FURY!, and provide update patches...

It's all business as usual, for the gaming industry!

The difference between the quantities of available assets is a factor to be considered. Kuju must have known that this was one area where Trainz had an edge and as Trainz was the game they were aiming at, they should have made an effort to provide more content, 150 assets in todays market is pitiful. Especially when you consider the other areas where they appear to be failing.



I think one weekend I recall churning out 40 reskins so 150 total assets does seem a little on the low side.

Cheerio John
I think that what determines a train sims success or failure is the quality of the route editor, and on that score, nothing I have seen yet beats Surveyor.
I think that what determines a train sims success or failure is the quality of the route editor, and on that score, nothing I have seen yet beats Surveyor.

You got that right, with a easy learning curve and some practice we can make anything we want.

And with all the quality content available, the sky's the limit.
