AssetX questions


Morning all;

I hope this is the right place to ask about this. I'm hoping to get some rolling stock and locos fixed using AssetX and Gimp. I installed them yesterday and had a very quick look at them. I'm guessing you have to click on "application" each time you want to open it. When I do that that I get a "access violation at address......". If I click that box 10 times or so, the program opens. I could live with that as long as I can use it to help fix my problems.

I have 3 hard drives, 2 are external HD. At this time I am using one of the external HD to do all my "work" on, the other two are complete back up installs. I never gave this a thought and installed AssetX in the X86 files on the pc local disk C. Does it matter where I install it?

Also, I played with it a bit and notice that I have 2 files in the X86 folder that appear to be almost empty config files for the clone I made. All that is in them are two lines. Kuid number and kind.



Thanks guys, I have a hard time getting used to these fancy tools. I have never had much luck with paint programs either. I'm going to read the info supplied with the programs and see what other info I can find about repairing items.

There is an AssetX FAQ thread in the Content Creation forum (here) which will contain just about any question on this tool. You might want to cross post there as Andi and PEV (AssetX co-authors) are more likely to read your post.

The access violation issue is well known and it has something to do with computer configuration and probably installed software. Andi did say a while back that he had found the cause (I think) but whether he found the solution is another issue. That would be in the thread I mentioned.

You should also look for threads regarding the TARDIS script which works in conjunction with AssetX to repair out of date assets. Ian Woodmore is the guru for that.

But, in answer to your questions: I have AssetX installed in a PEVSoft folder in Program Files (x86) on my D: drive (a 2TB working disk) and I installed it, and all the other PEVSoft tools, as an administrator. Sometimes I get the "need admin privileges" warning but I can usually get rid of that by tweaking the user rights. I did pass the detail onto Shane, who hosts those tools, but I don't know if he has included those hints.

I use AssetX as part of my asset development process and not for repairing assets. It works quite well as a development environment tool if you set it up correctly.

I'm not sure about external hard disks for running Trainz or doing "work" on trainz assets. I just use them as backup drives.
Hello Rick,
I have had that problem before. I can tell you that short of a full windows reload I could not fix that error.
I do believe it (partially) has to do with a windows update. That is because when I have had this problem AssetX would work correctly, Then just pop that error up on day.
As I said the only way I could make it go away was a full windows reload. Which I do every few months.
Hope this helps.
I have both AssetX and AssetX2 installed on what is essentially an external drive and have had no trouble with either of them. Shortcut icons are installed on the desktop and I just use them. As long as they're set up properly in the options drop-down, they open up with no problem time after time. Up until now, windows updates have had no effect, plus loads of other program installations.
Thanks everybody! For now I don't mind clicking away at it! After I clean up all the easy stuff in the config files I will go after the info you have supplied me with.

I have been giving some thought of making the drive on my pc my working copy. Some folks, I believe, have doubts about running trains from external hard drives.

Thanks again, cheers....Rick
The access violation issue is caused by an intermittent bug in the compiler that we use, cause by having null strings included in the data for drop down combo boxes. It just so happens that there are 11 of these in the texture.txt editor.

It is dependent on certain configurations of windows, exactly which aspects of the OS are responsible we can't establish. Apart from being extremely irritating it is completely harmless once you have dismissed the error boxes.

The problem is fixed in my own build and will be updated when I have some time.
Thanks Andi; I'm new at it, but it looks like it will work fine, as soon as I learn how to use it. It's always great to have tools to help fix things! Thanks!
