Asset Database Update & Another Question....

Question #1:
Do I have to do a Asset Database update thing just to play Trainz? Because when went to play this morning, it started & it wouldn't let my play. I let it did its job for about 2 hours even though it stopped halfway.

Question #2:
Every time I open up the Trainz launcher, the launcher somehow changes one of my screen saver settings from 64-bit to 16-bit & on both of my monitors, the screen savers get randomly covered in colors like a really bright green & awful lot of other colors.

Please help me.......

P.S: I have TS2010
Trainz is a very database-oriented simulation. It has to be, with the number of assets available. If the database gets corrupted - you shut down TADDaemon prematurely, the program crashes, or your disk starts going bad - then a database repair and reindex is necessary. You don't have to do it every time, but if it happens a lot, odds are you are shutting down your computer or doing something that is causing TADDaemon to shut down prematurely. Try waiting a few minutes after shutting down Trainz or CMP to let it do it's thing before shutting down. And, yes, it often appears hung up.

As for the bit depth, look at your Trainz settings. Under Options->Display Settings in the launcher set the bit depth to 32 and restart. If that doesn't work, you may have to add the following to your trainzoptions.txt file
