Article: Trainz Community Edition - Round 2

So far i have encountered a few issues, like disappearing containers after loading, and after a few miles driven they comeback miraciously.. but for a game which isn't finished i had an pleasant experience so far on my laptop. What i miss? I can't use my basic container station i purchased from a third party. Personally i think thats a great miss.. will there be a opportunity to download all the purchased trains i have bought for TS12? I have bought all the locs and would like to see them back again..

The download and install were quick enough here in Holland, after an hour the game was installing and i had it running. so far so good. I hope there will be an opportunity to get the purchased locs and container stations back.
Downloading now. I appreciate the update and interim version and I'll do what I can to find/report any issues.

I appreciate the candor and openness of your Community Edition, both highlighting some of the issues that others have vented about as well as the continued commitment of the team to make and release the very best product possible in February.

Keep up the great work!
Why o Why release it on the same day as Elite Dangerous? Which one do I play first?

Very, very happy guys that we have got this far. Nice also after a bad year P.C. gaming wise, that two of my favourite game themes are released (and funny that Elite is also a on going project that will add more stuff as well!)

New one Tony, just hope now that us Pomms can beat you at the next Ashes. We may let you win seeing that you have gave us train simmers a new hope! ;)

CaptEngland. :cool:
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I downloaded the 8.2Gb file. No problems! Installed the program. No problems. Ran the program and changed the settings (internet stuff, etc.), MAJOR problem. The error message said: Renderer initialization failed and this is the contents of the log file:
? Renderer initialization has failed.
- Details follow:
- Type: Failure initializing Graphics API.
- Summary: Failed to create DirectX device and swap chain.
- Details: DXGI_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED"The specified device interface or feature level is not supported on this system".
Windows version info 6.1.7601 (S)
- File: ..\..\engine\RenderDirectX11\RenderServerManagerDirectX11.cpp:203
- Type: Unspecific generic initialization failure.
- Summary: Failed to initialize the global device.
- Details: (null)
- File: ..\..\engine\RenderServer\RenderServerManager.cpp:287
- Type: Unspecific generic initialization failure.
- Summary: Failed to initialize the renderer.
- Details: (null)
- File: ..\..\engine\RenderServer\RenderServerManager.cpp:1344
Needless to say, it doesn't work!!:'(:(:confused:
I started trying to download at 6pm PST, 1/2 hour after the email arrived. Many failed attempts. Would lose connection. No download manager used so I got and tried the Microsoft one. Extremely SLOW. Might have taken 30+ hours. Fortunately I started the successful download ~11pm (w/o download manager) which may have taken 3+ hours. Don't know for sure as I went to bed at 12:30am. Woke up at 3:30 to discover download was complete. File size, by the way, was ~8.3G. Unziping took 22 minutes. Then I started install and went back to bed.
Woke up at 8:15 and it was done. YIPEE!!
Finally got a train on the track (Hinton) and drove it. Very smoooth at default settings (see system below). Display distorted. things look short and fat. Told train to go to Hinton from far away. Wouldn't go. Would go to other places. Broken track? Perhaps 10 second hesitation when entering a tunnel. other than that, NO hesitation or jitteryness. Are there cameras on the Hinton route?
So far I am impressed.
Dell XPS8000, i5-750cpu, Win7-64, 6G RAM, Asus GTX550-Ti, HD 640G
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Is that the only card in the system? Reason I ask is because that error means that the graphics card it's using does not support DX11, and you may need to try OpenGL mode.

Is that the only card in the system? Reason I ask is because that error means that the graphics card it's using does not support DX11, and you may need to try OpenGL mode.


I have only one video card, and I have tried OpenGL. It still does not want to start the engine.
OK - I will need to check what OpenGL level that card is running at - if it's less than 4 then that would explain things.


EDIT: Another thing to check is if it's running the most recent drivers that it supports.
I've just had a look for you. Looks like your card only appears to support OpenGL 2.1 which is not good enough for T:ANE. However, if you've got TRS2006 or later installed, open the installation folder for it (any version that's later than TRS2004), then look in the Bin folder for TrainzDiag, then run it and post the OpenGL figure shown there.

I've just had a look for you. Looks like your card only appears to support OpenGL 2.1 which is not good enough for T:ANE. However, if you've got TRS2006 or later installed, open the installation folder for it (any version that's later than TRS2004), then look in the Bin folder for TrainzDiag, then run it and post the OpenGL figure shown there.


Version : 1.1
Compiled on : Nov 11 2010 16:47:26

System Information
Time of this report : 16/12/2014, 16:33:46
Operating System : Home Edition Service Pack 1 (Build 7601)
Screen Size : 1440 x 900
Ram Found : 4095 MB
Ram Free : 4095 MB
Virtual Ram Free : 1794 MB
Raw Cpu Clock Speed : ~2.99 GHZ
OEM ID : 0
Number of processors : 2
Page size : 4096
Processor type : 586
Processor Architecture : 0
Processor Level : 6
Processor Revision : 15363
Allocation Granularity : 65536
3D-Now : Unavailable
FP operations : Not Emulated
FP precision error : Does not occur
MMX : Available
Physical Address Extension : Available
RDTSC instruction : Available
SSE instruction : Available
SSE2 instruction : Available

Test Results
CPU Speed : ~2.99 GHZ : Passed
CPU supports SSE instructions : Passed
System Memory : 16322 MB : Passed
Hard Drive Space: 567.22 GB Free : Passed
OpenGL : Version 3.3 : Passed
DirectX : Version 10.0 or later : Passed
Desktop Mode : 32 bit colors : Passed
Card Type : GeForce 9800 GT/PCIe/SSE2 : Passed
Video Driver's Age : 5 months old : Passed
AGP Memory : 3071MB Free : Passed
Total Video Mem : 4069MB : Passed
Stencil Buffer : 8 Bits : Passed
Multi-Texturing : 8 Textures : Passed
Texture Compression DXT : Passed
Texture Combiners : Passed
Vertex Shaders : Version 3.0 : Passed
Pixel Shaders : Version 3.0 : Passed
Bump Mapping : Passed
Spherical Environment Mapping : Passed
Cubic Environment Mapping : Passed
Vertex Buffers : Passed
NVIDIA driver compatibility : Passed
Monitor: No compatability problems detected : Passed
That's showing it as being OpenGL 3.3. It may well be that they've changed something so that only OpenGL 4 and above can now open it - only N3V will know at this stage.
