Article: Have your Say on which Speedtrees are Coming | 2 More DLC Items for TANE

If you could kindly pass this on to management: get their game in order before trying to stuff more DLCs down our collective throats. Thanks.
Well you should know better!

True of course it's a 64 bit program.............
Not everyone in this world can afford 64bit Operating Systems, I expected someone from North Wales to understand that! By the way I do admire your work offered on this site.Best wishes!
I bought 2 DLC items. Wallangarra route and Nickel Plate Freight set. The route appeared in TANE to download, but the freight set won't. Not shown in TANE at all. Get your crap together N3V.
freight set won't. Not shown in TANE

I bought 2 DLC items. Wallangarra route and Nickel Plate Freight set. The route appeared in TANE to download, but the freight set won't. Not shown in TANE at all. Get your crap together N3V.

Please see your Kickstarter County route for all your DLC Engines and trains in Trainz to drive them all you like. You can also run any of the other routes in QuickDrive and then drop in the engine (DLC) of choice to have fun.

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Why not buy Train-Sim 2015 its great no problems.I did and its fun no stress.good luc

Why not check out train-Sim 2015 no stress.

I bought 2 DLC items. Wallangarra route and Nickel Plate Freight set. The route appeared in TANE to download, but the freight set won't. Not shown in TANE at all. Get your crap together N3V.
I have buy the game got from amazon and I got it and then I have put it on my lap top and then I have install and then the game want open.
I have buy the game got from amazon and I got it and then I have put it on my lap top and then I have install and then the game want open.

Welcome to the forums.

You could do with creating a separate forum thread for your issue although information on any errors you are getting will help.

Ho Ho Ho ... Green Giant ... Where's Paul Bunion when you need him ?

Even the trees in Texas are big !

Originally posted by: "I Ferget' Who"... Sorry

The illustrious Speed Twee ... a indispensable improvement to Twainz !

Now that's realisum !

I have always thought that speed twees resemble the Baobab tree

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I don't usually ask for much on here, but I must now, ask that you please consider putting more of a focus on desert flora, i.e. Creosote Shrubs, sage brush, chaparral, cacti and arid Ponderosa, Apache and Pinyon pine trees. Thank you

P.S. Sorry about the bump. Just noticed it said 2015, not 2016
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