Article: Blog - Physically Based Shaders in Trainz

No thanks Tony. Just focus your efforts on fixing TANE before you show us new things that would further break Trainz.
Surely this was what TANE was meant to deliver?

It is of course possible to get decent effects in TANE but the Achilles Heel at present is you can't save the settings on exiting the programme.

While the image above is better than the average Trainzy appearance, I have to say the foreground looks more model than life like (which may be down to the assets).

And if this is supposedly a primer for "Next", bear in mind some of us are still ROFLOLing on the floor at the imagery that was used to sell the TANE Kickstarter vs. what we got.
Surely this was what TANE was meant to deliver?

... And if this is supposedly a primer for "Next", bear in mind some of us are still ROFLOLing on the floor at the imagery that was used to sell the TANE Kickstarter vs. what we got.

We have to remember that the nice picture/video of TANE was "Target E2 Graphics", but in the shot of the PBR Screenshot, it says "Trainz Railroad Simulator 2018". So we're taking N3V's word for what it is. If it indeed is from the new game, it could only get better with time and I could say it would look less "model-like" if the scenery assets, ground, etc. themselves use the PBR materials.
As someone that has been wanting this sort of new material update for months (years), virtual tears of joy run down my cheek. :D

Tears of Joy - Not Quite but still very excited for an old tart at the age of 69.

When you use most software and particularly X-Plane you appreciate that the lighting in Trainz is, shall we say, very ordinary.

Well done Tony, once again, very, very excited by this development


Competition is always healthy, but being able to do things like this is why we switched from Jet to E2. Now that the groundwork is in place, we can iterate new features much more quickly.


I certainly hope it turns out better than Train Sim World. That sim is a mess. It looks pretty, but it's so full of bugs and lacking in content and features, it's nearly impossible to play.