Anyone here using linux?


Empire Builder
I just installed Ubuntu on my Vista PC, good thing I added an old 40GB HDD a not too long ago, makes it easy to switch between OS's. Still learning how to use it but so far I like it. Anyone else here use any form of linux?
there have been some members that have been able to get trainz running in linux via WINE.

While looking for something else I came across a thread in the TRS2006 Tips and Tricks section on this subject.

The thread was dated Dec 12 2006 and was started by Lost Soul. Maybe you could try contacting this person?

I'm running Hardy Heron. I couldn't get TRS working on the previous version but haven't tried on this yet. I am told it is possible though but the instructions that used to be on the forum I can no longer find.

So far im really enjoying linux, still have to install wine but right now im trying to still get the wifi working :hehe: , im actually in linux right now (moved the pc into my dad's comp room to conenct to the router)
So far im really enjoying linux, still have to install wine but right now im trying to still get the wifi working :hehe: , im actually in linux right now (moved the pc into my dad's comp room to conenct to the router)

Laptop or desktop?

My problems with Linux, is that I've had to go back to windows, because 3D Studio Max doesn't work, GMAX is listed not to work properly and all other programs don't work properly, that I depend on. (Access anyone?) Sure, I can VPC it all, but the speed wouldn't be good enough!
its a desktop, I installed wine and so far the first game i tested (decided to start small and simple) was railroad tycoon 2, and so far so good, now im installing sme more intensive (half-life 2) :hehe:
2006 runs fine under WINE Linux. You need to have 1.0 or 1.1 and fetch wine doors .deb if using Ubuntu. Install the fonts and check wine app db Trainz to correct the font issues.

Its faster than windows, much faster and at 1680x1050 it flies....

Laptop or desktop?

My problems with Linux, is that I've had to go back to windows, because 3D Studio Max doesn't work, GMAX is listed not to work properly and all other programs don't work properly, that I depend on. (Access anyone?) Sure, I can VPC it all, but the speed wouldn't be good enough!

Have you tried any Linux 3d tools? Would they not be as good as Gmax?

Anyhoo from Wine app DB
The following keys must be set to the following values for Wine to render TRS2006's text properly:
  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wine\X11 Driver\ClientSideWithRender created but not set.
Do NOT install DirectX 9 when asked: Wine already implements DX9; installing it again will cause problems.
Do install .NET when prompted.

I really like it under Linux, having 4 Desktops (tabs) helps so much and Compiz and Trainz work fine. If you want I will post a video...
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Have you tried any Linux 3d tools? Would they not be as good as Gmax

Not as easy as that, whatever I do, I still need Max as most of my previous/current work is built in max, meaning that transferring all 6gbs of work, is going to be a royal PITR.
Theres the time taken to learn the program and the exporters!!!
Any one here using Linux

I use Linux - Mandriva 2008, a great operating systemon a laptop WiFi takes a lot of setting up and runs fine. As yet I have not tried Trainz 2006 , Linux runs much faster than Windows. One advantage of it is all software is free.

Cheers nordee
ive run trainz2006 under ubuntu+wine with no real issues. if you dual boot and use ntfs then you need to make a copy or move trainz2006 to the linux partition, at least it my experience, for it to work correctly

i didnt see a terribly tremendous improvement in performance, sadly. i was questing for better fps. this could be in part to my nvidia card, though.
ive run trainz2006 under ubuntu+wine with no real issues. if you dual boot and use ntfs then you need to make a copy or move trainz2006 to the linux partition, at least it my experience, for it to work correctly

i didnt see a terribly tremendous improvement in performance, sadly. i was questing for better fps. this could be in part to my nvidia card, though.

Video card drivers in general are not as optimised in the Linux environment.

That's the problem with running games under Linux.

Cheerio John
My speks are AMD 6400+. 2gb DDR. Nvidia 7800. Board is AMD M2N D.

I find its much faster under Ubuntu 8.04, WINE 1.0. (default install besides Audio kit)

Video cards are an issue. older ATI and on board chips suffer. The problem is not Linux so much, though it could be easier, it has more to do with the card makers not actually bothering. In a twist of logic, it was Nvidia that used a "hack" to the openGL kernel Module to get their cards to run properly.
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trainz linux

when i try to start trainz under wine i get errors that mention quartz.dll and then trainz crashes
does anyone know a fix for this?

I have run Trainz on Linux for sometime now on both a laptop and desktop with nVidea cards using Ubuntu (last couple of versions) and WINE
TRS2004 runs but is slow starting up and closing down but can be managed with TrainzObjectz. I couldn't ever get the download helper to work.

TRS2006 runs exceptionally well, CMP works and downloading from the download station works as in windows. The only problem I found was that the sound disappeared after a while. (Same in TRS2004)
It will work in both DirectX and OpenGL modes, though OpenGL is faster. There were some graphics problems particulary with Locomotive cabs.

TC3 will run but I had problems with it on both machines. It is very prone
to crashing. This version was troublesome to me in Windows, it is even worse on Linux. To be fair though, it is worth buying for the content and then importing the content into TRS2009.

TRS2009 runs as well, if not better, under Linux. The only problem I have is that I am unable to get Content Manager 2.0 to work under Linux.

All versions will run from a Windows partition under WINE, so my setup is a dual partition Vista / Ubuntu with Trainz installed on Vista. I can now use Content Manager 2.0 under Windows to manage content, and run the installation from Linux where I spend most of my time.

I have not been able to get gmax to run under WINE, but I'm learning Blender, it is cross-platform and there is a version for Linux. You need to use the old exporter plug-in, the new one relies on Auran's mesh importer program which is Windows.

I am not a newcomer to either Linux or Trainz but I know nothing at all about WINE except that with a simple registry edit documented on WineHQ
it runs Trainz out of the box. So for anyone who prefers Linux, it is worth giving it a go. (If I can do it anyone can)