Trainz Veteran
The London Underground Trainz community has always been all over the place, so I'm making this thread to help seekers of London Underground content find where to go, and hopefully foster interest or inspire others to create LU content. Additionally, this offers a pretty nice pallet for people who would like to create routes (both fictional and nonfictional) of the London Underground.
First of all, here's a list of where you can find all the currently released Trainz LU Stock:
Subsurface Stock:
A Stock - Klambert, on the DLS, release forum here:
(321 also took a stab at the A Stock but I am not aware that she has released that to the public as of yet)
C69/77 Stock - Many people (in order of release):
- Wessex Electric Nutter's version:
- Bird_d00's version: He's made the C69 and C77 with refurbished and experimental liveries in addition to traditional ones
- Redmanb11's C Stock, also on the DLS (search "LT C69/77 Stock")
D Stock
- Andi06's D Stock can be downloaded from the DLS (search "LT D Stock")
R Stock
- Andi06's R Stock is also available on the DLS (search "LT R Stock")
Fictional LU Stocks:
- You can find a contemporary Q stock by Victorian that is fictional on
Deep Level/Date-Named Stock
1906/Metropolitan Railway Stock
- by barn700 (Payware) on his website Paulz Trainz 1938 Stock:
1938 Stock
- mick_berg's 1938 stock is on the DLS (search "1938 Tube Stock"); he also has battery locos and metropolitan tunnels from ECML
- Tempest70's version of the 1938 stock (not in original LT paint though -- search "483 DMSO LT")
1956, 1959, 1962 Stock
- bird_d00 made each of these LU Stocks and it is also on Trainz Pro Routes:
1967 Stock
- Spanner's 1967 stock is on the DLS (search "LUL 1967")
1973 Stock
- redmanb11 also created a 1973 Stock on the DLS (search "LT 1973")
1992 Stock
- ben1foley has made the 1992 stock on TPR
1996 Stock
- andi06 has made the 1996 Stock on the DLS (search "LU 1996")
2009 Stock
- bird_d00 has made a 2009 Stock on TPR
Second, tracks:
Bloodnok has made some 4th rail tracks which can be found on the DLS (search "4th" under category "track")
321 has more recently made some LT tracks which can also be found on the DLS (search 321 under "username")
Victorian has some track on his Trainz Town page:
bird_d00 has made some tracks and tunnels on TPR, which can be found along with all his other LU trains, buildings, and splines by searching his name:
He also has a website where all of his current and future work is recorded:
Finally, everything else (in addition to the above author's work):
Spanner, Makatini, and ben1foley all have more LU content on the DLS (search "London Underground" "LU Tunnel" "LUL Track" or anything similar)
There have been numerous routes including London Underground content on the DLS by various people, including SnakeLight64's fictional Tricell Line and partial District Line. These can all be found by a quick search on the DLS
If I am missing anything else (be it tracks or trains, or anything not readily available on the DLS or in the above links), please do comment and let me know and I'll update this post.
The London Underground Trainz community has always been all over the place, so I'm making this thread to help seekers of London Underground content find where to go, and hopefully foster interest or inspire others to create LU content. Additionally, this offers a pretty nice pallet for people who would like to create routes (both fictional and nonfictional) of the London Underground.
First of all, here's a list of where you can find all the currently released Trainz LU Stock:
Subsurface Stock:
A Stock - Klambert, on the DLS, release forum here:
(321 also took a stab at the A Stock but I am not aware that she has released that to the public as of yet)
C69/77 Stock - Many people (in order of release):
- Wessex Electric Nutter's version:
- Bird_d00's version: He's made the C69 and C77 with refurbished and experimental liveries in addition to traditional ones
- Redmanb11's C Stock, also on the DLS (search "LT C69/77 Stock")
D Stock
- Andi06's D Stock can be downloaded from the DLS (search "LT D Stock")
R Stock
- Andi06's R Stock is also available on the DLS (search "LT R Stock")
Fictional LU Stocks:
- You can find a contemporary Q stock by Victorian that is fictional on
Deep Level/Date-Named Stock
1906/Metropolitan Railway Stock
- by barn700 (Payware) on his website Paulz Trainz 1938 Stock:
1938 Stock
- mick_berg's 1938 stock is on the DLS (search "1938 Tube Stock"); he also has battery locos and metropolitan tunnels from ECML
- Tempest70's version of the 1938 stock (not in original LT paint though -- search "483 DMSO LT")
1956, 1959, 1962 Stock
- bird_d00 made each of these LU Stocks and it is also on Trainz Pro Routes:
1967 Stock
- Spanner's 1967 stock is on the DLS (search "LUL 1967")
1973 Stock
- redmanb11 also created a 1973 Stock on the DLS (search "LT 1973")
1992 Stock
- ben1foley has made the 1992 stock on TPR
1996 Stock
- andi06 has made the 1996 Stock on the DLS (search "LU 1996")
2009 Stock
- bird_d00 has made a 2009 Stock on TPR
Second, tracks:
Bloodnok has made some 4th rail tracks which can be found on the DLS (search "4th" under category "track")
321 has more recently made some LT tracks which can also be found on the DLS (search 321 under "username")
Victorian has some track on his Trainz Town page:
bird_d00 has made some tracks and tunnels on TPR, which can be found along with all his other LU trains, buildings, and splines by searching his name:
He also has a website where all of his current and future work is recorded:
Finally, everything else (in addition to the above author's work):
Spanner, Makatini, and ben1foley all have more LU content on the DLS (search "London Underground" "LU Tunnel" "LUL Track" or anything similar)
There have been numerous routes including London Underground content on the DLS by various people, including SnakeLight64's fictional Tricell Line and partial District Line. These can all be found by a quick search on the DLS
If I am missing anything else (be it tracks or trains, or anything not readily available on the DLS or in the above links), please do comment and let me know and I'll update this post.

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