An unexpected, unintentional, uninvited route layer appeared


New member
Exploring layers in Trainz 12, i came upon this mystery (to me) in the Layers pop-out. This layout is the unaltered default Springfield industrial Park, included in Trainz 12. I only added the locomotives. What is this "Third Rail" route layer? i have never typed the words "Third Rail" within Trainz or searched or used the words. i did not add the layer (at least knowingly or intentionally)

The layer must have been part of the route already.

You will notice that different creators use different names for layers. I usually have a "tree" layer for example. The "route" layer is just the default layer name in the route.
One session that I am currently working on has 14 layers - 6 route layers and 8 session layers.

Layers are added for various purposes - in some cases to better manage the assets in other cases for special effects. For example, 4 of those 8 session layers contain assets that are hidden or displayed according to events that occur during the running of the simulation.
I think what the deal is with this one is the creator locked the ROUTE and used THIRD RAIL to lay any thirds. By doing this, it prevents the third rails from connecting to the main rails as turnouts. Why it has 2 route layers is possibly a case of forgot to merge the route layers.
That is highly likely. Once development has been completed and if there is no further need for the separate layers, then merging them into a single route layer and a single session layer makes sense.
Why it has 2 route layers is possibly a case of forgot to merge the route layers.
Or kept it that way to make future updates easier to manage as there is no way to mass-move assets from one layer to another in TS12.

There is no technical or visible need to merge all route layers into one.

Side note for those happy to work with layers:
In TANE a new option was introduced that makes it possible to mass-move assets to another layer. Example out of personal experience: Great for when you again forgot to select to correct layer and just planted 1000+ trees.
Or kept it that way to make future updates easier to manage as there is no way to mass-move assets from one layer to another in TS12.

There is no technical or visible need to merge all route layers into one.

Side note for those happy to work with layers:
In TANE a new option was introduced that makes it possible to mass-move assets to another layer. Example out of personal experience: Great for when you again forgot to select to correct layer and just planted 1000+ trees.
Also a valid and viable point. I only gave one of possible many potential reasons.