An Old Route Is Blank In TANE And TS12


Trainz Maverick
To amuse myself yesterday having got bored with X-Rebirth, decided I would have a go at importing my very first Trainz route (Ayr to Stranraer) into TANE. Duly obtained from the DLS, dependencies downloaded and errors attended to. However on trying to open the route in TANE was presented with a blank nothing. No route, no boards, no grid. Calling up the "Find Object" menu revealed nothing shown in the list. Muttering unrepeatable comments about TANE, I then attempted to download the route into TS12 only to find exactly the same problem - despite the route file being present, dependencies all accounted for and errors corrected, opening the route brings up a blank screen with just nothing there.

I had hoped to refurbish the Stranraer route and upload it to the DLS as an updated version for TANE, but if I can't get the route visible to work on, that's not going to happen. Either I'm missing something very obvious here, or otherwise I'm open to suggestions to get the thing working.
Downloaded from DLS direct into TS12 and TANE. no mini-map displayed, if that helps the troubleshooting. This is a very old route - CE or UTC era long before much attention was paid to precise geographical positioning.
Vern, just imported it into TS12 from 2010, just needed Region changing to a kuid and the water kuid changing from <null> shows as a route then and not misc.

If that doesn't work I can send you the cdp from 2010 as it's in there with all dependencies, all terrain present and correct in TS12 49922 and TS12 61388 need to save it in TS12 SP1, move a tree, to get it into T:ANE I've done that and it worked.

Worth updating in my opinion.

Edit: looks like the dependencies are still listed although I haven't got all of them in TS12 and in TANE so the TS12 SP1 cdp would be the best option?

To Save messing around PM sent with link.
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Very big thank you Malc, I was beginning to think all was lost and it would have to join the ranks of routes on the "to redo" bucket list.

It was a very early effort and not quite to scale, built when HOG was using one 720 x 720 square to represent 1km x 1km. Quite a bit of work to bring it up to 2015 standards, starting with the track replacement - Andi06's bullhead will be ideal - straightening the wonky bits and maybe some superelevation.

Again very much appreciated - hope this also helps Cascade solve his similar issue.
Can confirm up and running in TANE.

Loads of work to do, can't believe I managed to lay nearly the whole route without using the straighten tool! Loads of 2T sections to be replaced by individual lengths of Protrack as well. And those garish green terrain textures have got to go - hello Ultra Texture. Can't use replace asset for the terrtex as not fixed yet and crashes the game, but with the route only going out three or four boards from the trackside copy and paste will be my friend.

Still it is a reminder that things have moved forward and I'm actually getting into this more than my brand new route WIP's in TS12.
Can confirm up and running in TANE.

Loads of work to do, can't believe I managed to lay nearly the whole route without using the straighten tool! Loads of 2T sections to be replaced by individual lengths of Protrack as well. And those garish green terrain textures have got to go - hello Ultra Texture. Can't use replace asset for the terrtex as not fixed yet and crashes the game, but with the route only going out three or four boards from the trackside copy and paste will be my friend.

Still it is a reminder that things have moved forward and I'm actually getting into this more than my brand new route WIP's in TS12.

That's good news. :)

I too have gone back and updated older routes and it's funny odd how satisfied we were back then with brightly colored assets and poor track. This shows how much we've learned over the years and have set the bars higher not just for content creators but for ourselves as well.

I still have a laugh at my old track laying though when I come across it. :D
