amtrak consists


New member
can anyone tell me what does amtrak silver star and califonia zephr consist of during the f40ph era. (80s and 90s)
Howdy :)

Scott Struik (Landrvr1) released an Amtrak Heritage CalZeph set ways back.

You can get them through email or file-sharing sites :D
his set was pre superliner im looking for mid to late 80s and early to mid 90s thanks as a matter of fact i have his cali set
Silver Star:

2 F40 (after Washington)
Baggage Dorm
Amfleet 2 Coach
Amfleet 2 Coach
Amfleet 2 Coach
Amfleet 2 Coach
Amfleet 2 lounge
Amfleet 2 Coach
Amfleet 2 Coach
Amfleet 2 Coach
10-6 Sleeper
(add another sleeper during summer)

Thats a rough consist.... And replace any amfleet equipment with heritage if you like..
I new that train was longer back in the day . I remember geting on in new yourk and that train being real long then geting of in florida and the train would be like six cars long with no diner only a lounge that they sectioned of as part diner and part lounge. I think they seperated that train somewhere in georgia.
The train was split into 2 sections, i think it split in Atlanta. I hope to do a bunch of original heritage cars, pm me if you want specifics, since i dont want to sound like too much of a dork..)

can anyone tell me what does amtrak silver star and califonia zephr consist of during the f40ph era. (80s and 90s)

Hopefully this video will give you and everyone here an idea of how big the trains were in the 1980s and the eqiptment used on it too.
right now I have magiclands amtrak pack thats all I have right now. dont know where I can get a diner from Im new to trainz so I dont know how to reskin and stuff like that
Well, I for one am a huge Heritage Fleet Buff, and since there is a large number of heritage fleet cars, i plan to do almost every king that made it to phase 3. Mostly ex SP, UP and ATSF coaches, 72ft budd baggage cars and the pullmans, a bunch of ex St. Louis cars such as Baggage Dorm, Lounge and Baggage, and all the other cars one would find in service. It will be a huge project, but i really hope to get it all done and released during the summer.

Heres a pic of an ex Southern Pacfic Coach that amtrak converted from coach to baggage back in 1997. Its still used to this day. Let me know what you guys think... And yes, it needs alot more details, and custom trucks.


:eek: :udrool: :udrool: :udrool:

I don't suppose you're looking for a beta-tester or heritage drawing/photo source? :p
If you have heritage drawings, than send em over...​


Are you going to add an Amtrak dome car? Reason why is that's of two heritage fleet blue prints I can find with the other one being a slumbercoach.

I'll post them here unless someone is willing to make a thread.
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Okay then and good LUCK on the heritage project Corey.:) :) :) :) :) :) :)

P.s. Your Amtrak content rulz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!