AI plus signaling problems (I think)


New member
Update: Par suggestions, I moved approach signals further from the junctions and added invisible signals on the crossover track. Now I've got another problem which I don't quite understand this time...

Now when the train approaches on the bottom-left track, going to top-right, it gets "Next Signal Block is in Use by Another Train" message from the invisible signal. The are no trains in next signal block, there is one in the shunt further up, but that is separate with another signal..

I've run into two problems while trying to work on a route... I hope someone can help me out:

Here is a little map I drew - red dots are signals, signals are right-hand, so you face the signal if its on the right side of the track (bottom on the map - yay for confusion!).

Here is the first problem, camera is looking from the right side of this map.

Train approaches the red signal (circled). The station is on the right hand track. The AI will change the first switch, but not the second one (both are circled), and the train will not pass a signal because the track appears to be un-signaled/terminated. How can I fix this?

Number 2, this is looking from the right side of the same map:

Train in circle will not pass red signal that is circled to get to consist that is up top on the left track.. how can I fix this ?
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Sinaling for AI

Hi omber,

I can't see the pics very well, it would help if they were taken in daylight. However from your diagram I think you need a signal on the crossover. The signal on the main line is seeing the track as closed because there is no signal before the next switch. In this situation I would use an invisible signal, It can be seen in surveyor but not in driver. There is one at least, possibly more on the DLS. The one I use is kuid#53425:10001:1 it is uni directional, the side with the "S" on it is the approach side.

Hope this helps,
Im assuming that its buffers at the ends of the top track. Are they signal type or dummy ones and are they facing the correct way. Some are difficult to spot unless you get close.
Padster I half agree with your alterations, the approach signals probably could be moved and that might be useful but the signals before the headshunts on the loop should probably be before the junction. I assume that the headshunts perform some sort of catch point function, I can't think of all the proper terminology right now, anyhow this means that the signals should be before the points as originally placed.

omber: as mentioned by others you need to ensure that the mainline is signalled beyond the section you have portrayed, if not then you need to amend this, otherwise the AI is correct and the track is unsignalled.

Padster I half agree with your alterations, the approach signals probably could be moved and that might be useful but the signals before the headshunts on the loop should probably be before the junction. I assume that the headshunts perform some sort of catch point function, I can't think of all the proper terminology right now, anyhow this means that the signals should be before the points as originally placed.

omber: as mentioned by others you need to ensure that the mainline is signalled beyond the section you have portrayed, if not then you need to amend this, otherwise the AI is correct and the track is unsignalled.


Yes I know that and thats all done, the buffers are not dummies and they are facing correct way .. I'll try all those suggestions and see what happens.

I thought maximum picture size was 800x600 o0

The top shunts are for rolling stock. This is supposed to be a middle of nowhere station that serves farming communities around it. Farmers bring their produce here and it gets shipped out via rail.
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Make sure your signals, lever and junction spline are in the proper order. When approaching a junction from the single track side, the signal should be encountered first, followed by the lever, then finally the junction spline circle (in other words, the lever should be outside the junction spline circle and between that circle and the signal on the single track part of the junction). Funny things happen with the signals and/or AI when the lever is inside the spline circle or toward one of the other two legs (double track portion) of the junction. Also, it might be a good idea to have spline circles between the junction circle and the signals on the double track portion of the junction.


S = signal
L = Lever
J = Junction spline circle
C = regular spline circle
.... dots are place holders for the graphics
< or > is the direction a signal is facing
B = end of track bumper

For the setup in your diagram (on the left end), it might look more like this:

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