AI and switches


New member
Hey everyone just getting into surveyor in trainz 2006 i have been setting up ai which seems to go to all the places i want and dont have problems with the signals though they do however have problems with the junction switches???

Do you have to set them for the trainz AI or is there a way for them to set themselves depending on the route they are travelling???

Cannot find any support on this what so ever Help would be most appreciative =D
Whatever the default setting of your switches, the AI train will change them as necessary to get where it is going. The switches revert to your setting once the AI train has passed.

If your trains are having difficulties with your switches make sure the levers are placed correctly; if you have one green and one red arrow they should work; if both arrows are red the switch will not work; just slide the lever closer to the actual junction point.

In theory the AI always looks for the shortest distance but in practice this includes going backwards if it thinks it is shorter. Trying to anticipate the AI so that they behave in a prototypical way can be a mind-altering exercise! :confused:

Use lots of cunningly placed trackmarks and the drive via... command and to stop trains going up the wrong track place direction markers facing the direction of travel you want for that track. It doesn't block the AI it merely tricks the AI into seeing the direction marker as a much further distance.

Oh yes and good luck! :hehe:


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For as good a guide as any to all things connected with track laying and signalling try Chuck Brite's tutorials here



Can we have a sticky pointing to Chuck's tutorials please, this is the third time that I have posted this link.


I still seem to be having problems the train does not go past the junctions even though they are placed correctly it will stay stationary until i physically change the junction for the train and these are only simple junctions ie one direction track with a siding so others can pass cant figure it out read every tutorial on the net ill try and picture my work so you can see better should i have lights in ???
i think i have figured it out i beleive my real problems was how i was letting the trains control themselves at the start of the simulation i had them all set to autopilot so that they would set of on there own i dont beleive i need this with a route plotted they should set of automatically???
Two important things you need to do are A) Decide which is the busiest line or at least the one you are most likely to drive manually on.Set the points so that the AI doesn"t have to change them when a train goes from A to B.This is known on the real railways as the points "lying NORMAL" for the Main Line.B) When the AI has a problem driving over a piece of track hover your cursor over the signal before the problem and it'll tell you whats wrong, e.g. "The line ahead is unsignalled".What you have to do here is tinsert a signal before the next signal and that should sort it.....:cool: