agp memory


New member
having just installed a new video card ( x1950 pro 512mb agp with 1gb ram) and having launched trainzdiag the resulting test shows I have 0mb agp memory where trainz dialogue says it should have at 10mb. On my other comp I have an X1900 pci installed and trainzdiag shows 245mb agp memory.Could someone ,even from Auran tech sup., please indicate where/how/if I can resolve this problem? Many thanks in anticipation.

Sometimes, no offence to Auran, but don't believe what trainzdiag actually tells you, it tells me something different too, on this system with a 320MB 8800GTS, it tells me that Total Video Mem: 320MB, AGP Memory: 246MB Free.

I would like to know what is using 74MB of my Video Memory.

But then, run trainzdiag on my other system with a 256MB 6600GT, it tells me that Total Video Mem: 256MB, AGP Memory: 54MB Free.

I would like to know what is using over 200MB of my Video Memory.

Anyway, what does DirectX Diagnostic tells you?

Click Start, click Run, type in dxdiag and click on Ok, have a look what it tells you.

Also, you can click Start, click Run, type in msinfo32 and click Ok, in the left window double-click on Components (or click on the + sign) then click on Display. This will tell you more on your video card, see what it tells you.

Hope this helps a little... :)
have the same card, runs fine. have you a problem running trainz?
if not ignore what it says (trainzdiag).
I suspect that AGP memory reported is the BIOS setting - i.e the aperture size... not the physical memory present on the card itself.

Check in your bios set-up regarding AGP settings (my motherboard's set to "automatic" so I don't have to think (well not too often:hehe: ).

Sometimes changing boards means that the bios has to be refreshed manually.



Sometimes, no offence to Auran, but don't believe what trainzdiag actually tells you, it tells me something different too, on this system with a 320MB 8800GTS, it tells me that Total Video Mem: 320MB, AGP Memory: 246MB Free.

I would like to know what is using 74MB of my Video Memory.

But then, run trainzdiag on my other system with a 256MB 6600GT, it tells me that Total Video Mem: 256MB, AGP Memory: 54MB Free.

I would like to know what is using over 200MB of my Video Memory.

Anyway, what does DirectX Diagnostic tells you?

Click Start, click Run, type in dxdiag and click on Ok, have a look what it tells you.

Also, you can click Start, click Run, type in msinfo32 and click Ok, in the left window double-click on Components (or click on the + sign) then click on Display. This will tell you more on your video card, see what it tells you.

Hope this helps a little... :)

Mine says it has 320 total video memory.

Auran Trainz Diagnostic Tool
Version : 1.0
Compiled on : Mar 15 2007 14:11:20
System Information
Time of this report : 04/10/2007, 14:25:14
Operating System : Professional (Build 6000)
Screen Size : 1440 x 900
Ram Found : 4093 MB
Ram Free : 2525 MB
Virtual Ram Free : 1873 MB
Raw Cpu Clock Speed : ~2.61 GHZ
OEM ID : 0
Number of processors : 2
Page size : 4096
Processor type : 586
Processor Architecture : 0
Processor Level : 15
Processor Revision : 17154
Allocation Granularity : 65536
3D-Now : Available
FP operations : Not Emulated
FP precision error : Does not occur
MMX : Available
Physical Address Extension : Available
RDTSC instruction : Available
SSE instruction : Available
SSE2 instruction : Available
Test Results
CPU Speed : ~2.61 GHZ : Passed
System Memory : 4093 MB : Passed
Hard Drive Space: 46.08 GB Free : Passed
OpenGL : Version 2.1 : Passed
DirectX : Version 10.0 or later : Passed
Desktop Mode : 32 bit colors : Passed
Card Type : GeForce 8800 GTS/PCI/SSE2 : Passed
Video Driver's Age : Less than 1 month : Passed
AGP Memory : 1791MB Free : Passed
Total Video Mem : 320MB : Passed
Stencil Buffer : 8 Bits : Passed
Multi-Texturing : 8 Textures : Passed
Texture Compression DXT : Passed
Texture Combiners : Passed
Vertex Shaders : Version 3.0 : Passed
Pixel Shaders : Version 3.0 : Passed
Bump Mapping : Passed
Spherical Environment Mapping : Passed
Cubic Environment Mapping : Passed
Vertex Buffers : Passed
Extra Details Return from Tests
CPU Speed : ~2.61 GHZ : CPU Speed : ~2.61 GHZ
System Memory : 4093 MB : System Memory : 4093MB (2541MB free)
Hard Drive Space: 46.08 GB Free : Drive C:\ : Total 116.35 GB Free 88.38 GB
Drive D:\ : Total 97.65 GB Free 56.64 GB
Drive E:\ : Total 92.25 GB Free 46.08 GB
Drive F:\ : Total 116.35 GB Free 116.21 GB
Drive G:\ : Total 116.59 GB Free 116.50 GB
Drive H:\ : Total 116.46 GB Free 115.50 GB

OpenGL : Version 2.1 : OpenGL : Version : 2.1.1
Vendor : NVIDIA Corporation
Card : GeForce 8800 GTS/PCI/SSE2
DirectX : Version 10.0 or later : Driver : nvd3dum.dll
Description : NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS
Product : 7 Version : 15 SubVersion : 11 Build : 6371
Driver not WHQL signed
Desktop Mode : 32 bit colors : Desktop Mode : 1440x900 with 32 bit colors
Video Driver's Age : Less than 1 month : Contact your card manufacturer at for the latest drivers.
Card's driver date is Mon Sep 17 01:07:00 2007
File Version :
File Description :NVIDIA Compatible Vista WDDM D3D Driver, Version 163.71
Product Version :
AGP Memory : 1791MB Free : Total AGP Mem : 1791MB
Free AGP Mem : 1791MB
AGP Enabled = true, AGP Exists = true, AGP Status = Enabled
Total Video Mem : 320MB : Total Video Mem : 320MB
Stencil Buffer : 8 Bits : OpenGL stencil bits : 8
DirectX stencil bits : 8
Multi-Texturing : 8 Textures : OpenGL texture count : 32
DirectX texture count : 8
Vertex Shaders : Version 3.0 : OpenGL vertex shader : Version 3.0
DirectX vertex shader : Version 3.0
Pixel Shaders : Version 3.0 : OpenGL pixel shader : Version 3.0
DirectX pixel shader : Version 3.0
Last edited:
well the mysteries of computing never cease....

firstly thanx to all that have replied though an official word from someone at Auran would be most grateful. So the plot thickens.....

Upon launching CCC (catalyst control centre) advanced method ,in the smartgard window ,agp acceleration is NOT implemented i.e. X0 not available, fast write de-activated,as is agp write and read.Trying to change manually does nothing upon reboot.Launching Trainzdiag from my other os (xp prof no sp's) gives me adequate agp memory and ccc has agp accel. at X8. So ...I'm somewhat confused.All dxdiag tests are satisfactory.

btw comparing performances between my x1900 256mb pci card and this new x1950 pro 512mb agp the pci card (so far) runs the same layout (PGibbons Junee) at higher fps but maybe only till I can unravel the mystery!
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Usually if it tells you that you have 0 AGP memory, you might not have the proper AGP chipset drivers, not the ones for the video card, but the ones for the motherboard.
I don't think it's a motherboard problem as launching trainz diag and ccc from my other os on the same comp. reveals more than adequate agp memory and ccc indicates agp accel. at 8X and all things hunky dory.There is no difference in Trainz performance launched from either os.
:D problem resolved by installing latest m/b gart drivers ONLY.
This problem seems to be common with XP sp2, based on the number of queries placed in various internet forums. Might be worth a sticky.