Agatha's Country I - New route

I am interested to know has enybody managed to download
Agatha's country I <kuid2:89759:1022:1>
I have not been able to download this kuid either with CMP or via FTP
I have the previous version <kuid:89759:1022> which has many bugs that I have changed so as to get the route to work ,However I would like to see the route and session as envisioned by the Author .
In Agathas Country I :1022 version I have 215 assets that I have fixed. Further in The Tour session I have 5 more.

In trying to track down the script errors I believe some are caused by Bluestar in relation to CMP SP1 rules. I note that there are 6 dependent assets using this custom script and library. In their config.txt the tags 'Bluestar_coupler' and 'Bluestar_brake' occur either in the main container rather than in an extensions container, or occur in both. I haven't as yet had a go at fixing these. The assets are:


On the passenger problem I guess it is a multi industry issue but I'm unfamiliar with this. I haven't yet checked what assets might be affected.

Similarly at Cleg Nth I would guess that a trigger or trackmark is in the wrong place or missing so train doesnt stop at station but the script error occurs before the station. So when train has probably dumped its passengers in a non-platform area and tried to pick up passengers that aren't there, it has continued on. There has been some discussion on the forum about this type of problem.

There has also been some discussion on runaround problems. In this instance it is not certain if the previous errors have put the train in a position from whence it cannot resolve a runaround. The proximity to the buffers may have something to do with it.

I dont see it attempting to uncouple from the carriages but I could have missed it.

Can't be of much help. As this is all unfamiliar stuff to me.

Finally, its a long weekend in some Australian States (Queens Birthday) so its quite likely that noone in the office at Auran for another couple of hours. What I have done is send Helpdesk a list of 268 assets that I have stuck on DLS and cannot DL despite some appearing there and apparently been DLd by some Trainzers. I await Alan Yeomans reply.

I am feeling very embarassed by the hastle that this has caused.

Everything was working fine when I ran the layout and the session. I checked and double checked that there were no missing or faulty dependencies. Indeed I had the session running on a repeat loop for several hours without any problems.

Sure I get 'stutter' particularly when the train grows through built up areas as the scenery is set this I assume is a memory thing to do with the speed of my computer.

That is one of the reasons why I include the 'wait for' instructions in the driver commands to give time for the
computer to catch up. Likewise the two minute delay built in at the start of the session.

I then followed precisely the instructions for uploading, (including the addition of the thumbnail). Both session and layout went through the upload approval process, with no error reports.

I am going to carry on the design work to complete the main part of the route to Loomouth (Southampton) wether or not I will release it I don't know.

The hastle and hardwork that this has caused you guys out their takes a lot of the gloss and enjoyment out of the hobby and makes me reluctant to do further.
I had been contemplating updating my other layouts to 2006 but I just wonder if its worth doing.

Producing a 'real' world layout requires a fair bit of research, books, maps information research. Time and distance constraints meant that recce trips to the were not an option, although I was already familiar with the countryside, geology and ecology. It just seems I may have been too ambitious and let the project take over without due regard for the technological limitations or the limitations of technology.

Again apologies for the hastle.

:o :o :o :o
Don't feel too bad Keith. We all have different computers and operating systems as well as graphics cards and nVidia drivers as well as amount of memory.
Then we may have repaired those faulty assets in different ways. Be also aware that CMP SP1 doesn't show some of the supposed faults until you 'open for edit' the asset and then 'commit', so you may not know that it has faults.

Here are some more peculiarities on my machine in The Tour session:

I jumped to Charlie and City of Truro.

Train took long time appearing. In fact first time train was moving before it became visible. The train then does a kind of military two step. Leaves initial standing, crosses over onto the approach to platform 5 at Market Basing then backs into platform. So far so good. Then people appear on platform and train backs to buffer. We then get a shuffling between the signal or signal box and the buffer (?portal). Doesn't seem to go anywhere else. What determines how long stays in portal before should drive to platform? Perhaps the portal and platform are too close to each other. When stopped in the portal and thus last carriage close to buffer, the engine and part of first carriage are at the platform. I can get train to leave portal by clicking on portal icon at bottom of page.

I then jumped to Ami.

I picked up on her as approaching platform at Eglinton. Just past near end of platform I get the passenger script error followed by a similar situation to Cleg Nth where train runs through station without uncoupling and stops close to buffer from whence no runaround can occur.

In summary on MY MACHINE and I stress My MACHINE I get problems with:

Passenger loading and unloading

To ensure this is a layout or session problem and not just me we need other people to try The Tour and see what happens. While we are waiting for :1022:1 layout to be Downloadable why not change tour 2a session to work with :1022 in lieu of :1022:1

Apart from the previously mentioned Bluestar_coupler I cannot see that any of the CMP reported faults I've fixed have caused thes woes.

Once again Keith you've made a beautiful layout that's absolutely stunning. I look forward to your Stage 2 design.

In meantime it can be stimulating looking for bugs in the session. Positively challenging when there are >2,000 assets.
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Here is some interesting testing looking at the relationship between screen modes and resolution compared to FPS using FRAPS. Trainz performance settings were not altered during these tests. I have a good sound card and was taking its output via fibreoptic link into my entertainment system with stereo sound 2.1.

My normal work setup is dual 6800GT graphics cards with 256MB on board with a 2GB memory. I use dualview with nVidia 93.81 operating two 17inch Philips LCD monitors. This is especially useful for working on Trainz repairs as I can have multiple applications open on one monitor while observing Trainz or CMPSP1 on the other.

I tested Agathas Country 1 (:1022 version) with tour 2a session. I ran several trains but this comparison is based on Driver Adair and Silver Jubilee loco hauling a string of coaches.

In dualview with nothing open on second screen and at 1024x768 res I got 0-5FPS hence the severe stuttering. It matters not whether CPU is running at 30% or 100% stutter much the same.

Using a single monitor i could increase this to 6-10FPS. Still quite a lot of stutter.
Surprisingly I could clone my 29inch TV which also has 1024x768 res without any deterioration in the FPS. Pix on TV absolutely stunning Keith.

I then went to SLI which parallels the two video cards and upped the res to 1280x1024. Stunning pix but ~6-12FPS.
I then went into Surveyor and raced around the scenery achieving about 32FPS max.
I dropped res to 1024x768 and FPS shot up to 60FPS max. (I'm operating on 60HZ with no overclocking so probably wouldnt get any more than that.
Back to Driver and we are now at 10-15FPS at the lower res which is also the native res of the LCD monitors.

Now without altering anything I then loaded British Rail 2004 and achieved between 20-60FPS while the train was running in SLI mode, external view camera and 1024x768 res.

Quality of sound is dependent on stutter rate. Note the train speed surging appears related to track and junctions not stutter.

My conclusions from this are that the image weight of Agathas Country 1 version :1022 is heavier than my system can handle. I may get some improvement by increasing my memory to 4GB, or by reducing applications and utilities according to Program Manager running in the background.
There's about 80 of these but I have yet to determine what I could safely disable during Trainz operations.

British Rail 2004 is 40+MB and has only 415 dependencies, mostly builtins, compared to Agathas Country 2,120 dependencies. The difference in FPS rate and thus stutter is quite wide.

How about someone else from UK doing a similar comparison so we can see the relative performance on a different machine.
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ianwoodmore I can tell you how I solve the problem with Chameleon libraries.

Unfortunately this library is encrypted (with *.gse extension). So, we can't modify it. But this library have link (perhaps) to some config.txt files which incorrect for TRS2006 :( . For example, object <kuid2:75134:88006:1>. It config.txt consist some wrong strings:

chameleon_default_liveries ...
x_script_debugging ...

In TRS2006 these strings must be included in extension tag, otherwise we have error to run script.

I made next. I correct file which describe structure of some config.txt file. This file is ...\TRS2006\Bin\TETData\inheritance.txt :) . I added description in base-asset section:

kind value
type string
kind value
type string

As result we don't need modify config.txt with wrong strings (object <kuid2:75134:88006:1>), but in TRS2006 all work! :)

Sorry for my English. I hope you understand me.

Keith Don't take it to heart! You made great job and build marvelous route. Thank you.

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Here is some interesting testing looking at the relationship between screen modes and resolution compared to FPS using FRAPS. Trainz performance settings were not altered during these tests. I have a good sound card and was taking its output via fibreoptic link into my entertainment system with stereo sound 2.1.

My normal work setup is dual 6800GT graphics cards with 256MB on board with a 2GB memory. I use dualview with nVidia 93.81 operating two 17inch Philips LCD monitors. This is especially useful for working on Trainz repairs as I can have multiple applications open on one monitor while observing Trainz or CMPSP1 on the other.

I tested Agathas Country 1 (:1022 version) with tour 2a session. I ran several trains but this comparison is based on Driver Adair and Silver Jubilee loco hauling a string of coaches.

In dualview with nothing open on second screen and at 1024x768 res I got 0-5FPS hence the severe stuttering. It matters not whether CPU is running at 30% or 100% stutter much the same.

Using a single monitor i could increase this to 6-10FPS. Still quite a lot of stutter.
Surprisingly I could clone my 29inch TV which also has 1024x768 res without any deterioration in the FPS. Pix on TV absolutely stunning Keith.

I then went to SLI which parallels the two video cards and upped the res to 1280x1024. Stunning pix but ~6-12FPS.
I then went into Surveyor and raced around the scenery achieving about 32FPS max.
I dropped res to 1024x768 and FPS shot up to 60FPS max. (I'm operating on 60HZ with no overclocking so probably wouldnt get any more than that.
Back to Driver and we are now at 10-15FPS at the lower res which is also the native res of the LCD monitors.

Now without altering anything I then loaded British Rail 2004 and achieved between 20-60FPS while the train was running in SLI mode, external view camera and 1024x768 res.

Quality of sound is dependent on stutter rate. Note the train speed surging appears related to track and junctions not stutter.

My conclusions from this are that the image weight of Agathas Country 1 version :1022 is heavier than my system can handle. I may get some improvement by increasing my memory to 4GB, or by reducing applications and utilities according to Program Manager running in the background.
There's about 80 of these but I have yet to determine what I could safely disable during Trainz operations.

British Rail 2004 is 40+MB and has only 415 dependencies, mostly builtins, compared to Agathas Country 2,120 dependencies. The difference in FPS rate and thus stutter is quite wide.

How about someone else from UK doing a similar comparison so we can see the relative performance on a different machine.

There is a couple of things you can do. First it is possible to boot up XP in two modes, I think it's called hardware profile have a dig in the forum. Second have you optimised your trainzoptions.txt file? Third use the performance sliders and back them off a little from the max settings. Fourth sounds daft but if you run over the route once then the second time more items are in one of the multiple caches some where so it runs faster the second time. Fifth have a look for smoking chimneys then edit the config.txt file to reduce the rate, this also lowers the machine load. Sixth reduce the load by removing / replacing some items in the built up areas, look especially for people, some look good but have quite high poly counts and no lod. Reducing the variation also reduces the machine load.

You don't mention what type or speed of cpu you have, nor of the memory, I assume it's dual channel but you don't actually say and if you are benchmarking these are things you need to know. Trainz always runs at 100% cpu by the way but will only use one core and shows 50% on a hyperthreading cpu.

A layout such as this has a lot of textures, I think some one took the time to add up all the textures in one shot of her layout and it came to 750mbs, so this layout will run better on a video card with more than this amount of memory available. I hate to say it but the 6800GT cards are getting a little dated. If you have a couple of empty memory slots taking the memory up to 2.5 gigs will give you the same improvement as 4 gigs.

When you run at 1024 by 768 and then compare it to 1280 by 1024 on the second you have 1.6 times the number of pixels which means the system (cpu) has to work 1.6 times harder to get the same frame rate. Switching to a fast 16:10 wide aspect ratio monitor such as the Samsung 931 in 1440 by 900 is slighter lighter on the machine but more importantly matches the way you look at things so you aren't paying for a strip across the top and bottom of the monitor that your eyes aren't really using.

There is an additional overhead for using dual monitors by the way but it isn't very much so can be disregarded except when you are benchmarking.

Cheerio John
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I found the same problems as ianwoodmore however by deleting the drive to portal comand and the train direction markers on the line to the platform charlie then carries on O/K .

As for <kuid2:89759:1022:1> not downloading this appears to happen to quite a few assets as far as I have heard uploading the same asset a second time often fixs the problem .

with a highend system and a 512meg DDR2 graphics card the route runs at a respectable rate those with a lowerend system can reduce slider settings in options in order to inprove frame rates .

don't be dishearted by a few glithes you have made an excelent route and I hope you will make many more .
Agathas Country I


Whilst I have managed to download the session for this layout, I am unable to download the layout itself (kuid:89759:1022:1).

When I download from the DLS to CMP I get the usual 'Searching for dependancies' at the bottom of the screen but when that has completed and I click on 'Start' the blue progress line does its thing and goes no further.

I understand that it is quite a large and detailed layout so I left it for well over 2 hours with no further progess at all.

any Ideas anyone?
Same problem

I have exactly the same problem as iansmyles so I too would appreciate any help.

David Amyes

TRS2006 build 3099

I have a nice news. I just downloaded new revision of this layout <kuid:89759:1022:1>. The link on DLS is work now!! :D

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I am feeling very embarassed by the hastle that this has caused.

Hello Keith, it is with the best will in the world that layout creators endeavour to produce a route that appeals to absolutely everyone within the Trainz community. Unfortunately, you personally, were not to know that a lot of us cannot install SP1 on our TRS2006 and thus, are unable to view your wonderful work, neither are you to know that with everybody having different PC's and laptop's with differing specs, TRS2006 fans encountered various little quirks within surveyor and driver mode with frame rates, et al. I personally, downloaded your Bare Bones and British Landscapes routes from years gone by, and found them to be excellently detailed and great fun to play with, so I know how talented at route building you already are, so please, don't be too disheartened. Even though you may think that this has been a hassle, I'm certain that a lot of people, including yourself, have learnt a few things from this project, and will move forward with more knowledge and experience gained. I might not be able to play on your new routes (at the moment) Keith, but I will certainly give you some encouragement for you to keep churning out your beautiful route creations, don't give up because of a few glitches....

Got a little problem, well a couple really

These items by Partyman79 are all on the DLS

Darjeeling-Hillside-14, <kuid:239249:100283>


Seached DLS using both DLS interface and CMP and looks like this item has gone! Must have been when all thosem other items dissapeared a while ago

Also got a few items to fix

A few of the items in the layot config are :127 at the end, fixed them

2 Items including 87907:26014: entrance sign (re-nameable) has a illegal att / attachment item, its actully to show the name on the entrance, I am guessing it needs a full mesh section. Copyed a Mesh section from another named item and changed the vaules to match ... fixed

2 items also have track sections but there bridges and a gravel hill ... should have been bridge track.

One bell Pub tuen off auto anination

Most of the others were thinds that need to be deleted or changing user-name to username

Can only get the first 100MB today, will have to get the rest later, have not got the sessions yet.

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Reload it again with the session

I don't know if anyone is still watching this thread but....

Still getting some blank spots on the board but not sure why ...

But the maybe good news is I have discovered the passenger script error, but the bad news fixing it could take a bit of work.

The trains stop at stations using station basic xxM ok and do what they are spose too, when the trains stop at invisible station xxm it causes the error.

CMP is telling me the invisible stations I have on my copy of 2006 are the latest version

The basic station uses station script and invisible stations use extendedstation script witch I think is causing the error

Would make a nice TC3 layot but would be a lot of work though.

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Hi Tom,
Can't beleive it is four years since I released this route - and that people are still working with it.:o
I am still tinkering with Trainz, but am now looking to update to 2009 or if Santa is generous 2010.

I shall hopefully release the update in 2011 at some point.

Hi Tom,
Can't beleive it is four years since I released this route - and that people are still working with it.:o

That is the joy of Trainz, and the fact of finding a jewel like this for new users is very pleasing in my opinion. :D

I look forward to the update in 2011.

Hi Tom,
Can't beleive it is four years since I released this route - and that people are still working with it.:o
I am still tinkering with Trainz, but am now looking to update to 2009 or if Santa is generous 2010.

I shall hopefully release the update in 2011 at some point.


Spotted the post where you said you had just released it!! Dashed to download.
Didn't notice the date :hehe:
What a superb layout, those four years were not wasted.

Thanks all

For those interested the geography is based as best I can on the references given in the Miss Marple stories and

using these references, I have identified Much Benham as Winchester, Hampshire the route therefore is based on this real world location, St Mary Mead and one or two other locations being fictitous. As the references place 'the main station' at Much Benham and St Mary Mead as being on a branch line. However in one story Miss Marple travelled via Much Benham to Alton. I had intended to include the line from Market Basing(stoke) to Andover which would have tied into a Hercules Poirot story 'The ABC murders'. If I get the revised layout next year I may include this.

Think I restarted something

Thanks for the refence, that is very intresting ...

Got the branch working in my copy by replacing the invisible stations xxM with Basic stations xxM and marking and replacing the track markers and triggers then re-linking them in the driver setup as they did not work first time, still got a couple satations on the mainline to change but I am happy now

Also covered the bald patches on mine.


Added All complete, full session running with no error messages at all in my copy.

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