after several yrs away coming back


New member
Hi some of you will remember me, some wont. My question is how can I redownload trs 2012, I have the reg number and have 2012 on dvds but they wont open to instal. I have reinstalled 2009 but would like to go to 2012. Any suggestions. I'll check back here in couple hrs. Going to try and add to one of my routes from the download station.
Hi and welcome back. What kind of error are you getting? Can you copy them to your hard drive into a temporary folder and install from that? TS12 is on sale right now, but you will probably get the version with the SP1+HF4 patch which may be a good thing or a bad thing, and if your DVDs can be made to work, it's worth a try.
You might want to look at TANE it's probably on sale this week. You may need to upgrade your video card if it doesn't do directx 11 but its now a bit more stable than TS12 and most new content is designed for it.

Cheerio John
Yes, I remember you and if my feeble brain hasn't completely faded away you made some quality items and routes for us. Good to have you back. I agree with John. If TANE is on sale I would go for that. Faster loading everything, smoother and less problems. Of course you must have the system to be able to run it. Maybe you remember me also.
Thanks for the info. I have been reading up on the newer versions, I got the impression that TANE was only for running trs and not building. Did I misread it? I enjoy the building routes so that is what I would be doing mostly.
This is what I get when I try to open the dvd [.ShellClassInfo]

I don't remember what I did to copy trs 2012 onto the dvds but there are 5 of them > Tried to download old routes into trs 09 but would not allow me to download, do I need to register the serial again but my profile shows it is there. I'll keep plugin away at it.
Welcome back! I remember you as well.

There's no need to reregister any software. What you need for older versions such as TS2009 is a First Class Ticket now in order to download from the DLS into those versions.

What are your system specs? We don't want to you to try to get T:ANE without having the system to run it.

TS12... There's no need to reinstall if you have it all on DVDs.

Copy the contents of each disk to a folder called TS12.

You will have the program parts with some trainz.exe files and a bin folder. (I'm deliberately being top-level right now so don't worry if things aren't detailed or are a bit vague).
In the bin folder is more program stuff.

Then there's the User Data folder which contains all your content.

This also goes into the TS12 folder as is and contains all your stuff.

Once everything is copied, you can then start up TS12 right from the TS12 folder. (Right-click to run as admin).

The program will start and bring up the launcher... Go to options and setup your display for your new computer and ensure your username, password and serial numbers are in there.

After everything is all set there, go to Content Manager, and put in your username, etc.

Run a database repair, and after all that you should be good to go.

Welcome back! T:ANE is a superset of TS12 - only much more capable, with higher graphical qualities.
That means that you can craft your own routes and sessions as before in Surveyor (albeit with some superb additional built-in tools that are now available).
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here are my specs, I will purchase trs 12 again as what I got on dvd is not going to help. its corrupt so no problem will purchase .
Operating System
Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit SP1
Intel Core i5 4690K @ 3.50GHz 57 °C
Haswell 22nm Technology
16.0GB Dual-Channel DDR3 @ 666MHz (9-9-9-24)
Gigabyte Technology Co. Ltd. Z97X-SLI-CF (SOCKET 0) 27 °C
Acer G215HV (1920x1080@60Hz)
AL2016W (1680x1050@59Hz)
Intel Standard VGA Graphics Adapter (Gigabyte)
2048MB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 (Gigabyte) 35 °C
ForceWare version: 320.49
SLI Disabled
465GB Samsung SSD 850 EVO 500GB ATA Device (SSD) 24 °C
931GB Seagate ST1000DM003-1CH162 ATA Device (SATA) 32 °C
465GB SAMSUNG HD501LJ ATA Device (SATA) 19 °C
Optical Drives
No need to repurchase - Go to MyTrainz (link above) and download it from there at no charge.
It is already registered to you and can simply be downloaded again from there.

BTW. Your system specs are more than adequate for running T:ANE at moderate performance settings (which outclass the typical appearance of TS12 assets and routes).
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Hi, Welcome back!

From the specs you post your system should run Tane - it uses the graphics card quite hard, compared to earlier versions.

You don't need to buy a new 2012 dvd, either look for a secondhand copy or borrow a friends one. You use your activation code which you can find in your account details.

As above, Tane has got a full set of Surveyor tools, so I would recommend it over TS 12.

You will need the FCT though, and an internet connection.

Seasons Greetings,
I am using a similar machine to yours with half the memory and I can use it in Tane with the sliders full on.
Hi, Welcome back!

From the specs you post your system should run Tane - it uses the graphics card quite hard, compared to earlier versions.

You don't need to buy a new 2012 dvd, either look for a secondhand copy or borrow a friends one. You use your activation code which you can find in your account details.

As above, Tane has got a full set of Surveyor tools, so I would recommend it over TS 12.

You will need the FCT though, and an internet connection.

Seasons Greetings,

Hi,TANE it is then, will get the FCT also,no problem with the internet,have dnload speed over 150 mb with fibre optics
Ok purchased TANE and went to site to download, USA Download servers or Online Installer. Tried the USA one and went to instal said it was corrupt. Which one to use to instal.Thanks.
Ok purchased TANE and went to site to download, USA Download servers or Online Installer. Tried the USA one and went to instal said it was corrupt. Which one to use to instal.Thanks.

Either install will work. The online installer will send down a tiny setup file and then when that starts, it will bring down the rest of the files.

The full install, which I assume you tried, is the full 8GB zip file which will need to be unzipped first before installing.

Hmm.... Did you unzip the file first before installing, or did you attempt to install from inside the zip? I ask this because other have done this in the past, and this will produce the corrupted file issue because the installer can't find all the parts because they're still I the zip file.

If you continue to have data issues, you may need to use a download manager, though I didn't need to when I downloaded from the server.

Thanks, got it installed. Now to go through some tutorials as need to remember all the key commands etc. Then to put my rusty brain into gear and see what kind of route I can build.
Thanks again to all.