adding Carz to Traffic Region

Could you please just post the how-to in this topic, as I have seen more people having this question that like to know :) . Thanks!
I think there is a better way but I will need some help with this. After some thought I decided that the best thing for me to do would be to make a template kuid and upload it so that it can be downloaded and cloned to become that users own asset. I would include a "read-me" file with instructions as well. They would then be able to adjust it to their own needs and give it an asset name and save it for themselves. Where I need the help is for someone to make this a sticky or something so that it can easily be found instead of trawling the forum. Does that make sense?

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hi dougtrain
i have my Australia region which in 2010EE runs 15 cars
they can be changed out
kuid:348638:900000 username "my Australia TS2010"

i have been playing around with these, which are supposed to be able to let other cars run from the config file,
but i had no luck in getting before 1960 era cars and trucks to show in game
i'm stuck with running american and british cars of that earlier era

RL-TRAFFIC2010 adapt - Vehicle Austin A30 grey lights,<kuid:384792:100015>

Hi Ron

It can be done so that you can have more vehicles but it is not easy to explain how it is done so I came up with the idea of a template that anyone can adapt. I have 66 cars running so it might help you. You will have to adjust the configs of the cars you want to use. I will set something up today if the wife does not want me to wash the car / cut the grass/ go shopping for another pair of shoes.

I have just uploaded a template asset to the DLS that contains a kuid that you can clone and set up for your own use. It comes with a full description and a "Read-Me" file that should explain everything you need to know.

No idea if it worked. I accepted the terms and conditions and nothing came back to say it was successful or not. Might be a while before you can find it. Look for "Extra traffic on roads" kuid number 117686:101258.


Update. The asset has been accepted by N3V so it will be available to download soon.
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no worries doug
i can wait
just ran a full session from Ipswich - Boonah - Dugandan as a BETA
724 mb 1.31hrs 7 am start time
see screen at bottom

hiya dave snow

i did do a search and found pev's wiki post, then i tried adding the cars direct to 2010EE, but none of those showed
only what was in my Australia

weird eh?
thanks for the help

Hi Ron
the asset is now on the DLS. "Extra traffic on roads" kuid number 117686:101258.

Any problems then let me know okay?


i have some showing using davesnows tag, but only some appear.
see screens
it looks a heap better already with the new traffic


I downloaded it at the Miscellaneous box. But when I open the config file it shows a bunch of interrogation marks on a bunch of KUID's, presumable carz that I don't have. Where can I get these? and how to use all this?
Hebrez.. Did you open the read-me file that came with it? The assets that came with it are examples and you need to replace them with kuids for your own cars that you want to use. The read- me file will take you through the whole set up and probably best to print it out. Let me know if you have more questions.

thank you Doug
got it into 2010EE and am checking 4 cars at a time to see what will run.
some cars that are marked as traffic will not in fact run as traffic

weird eh?
i will post when i have it done
thanks again