ACTS (9) - This project has no luck this time - I'll pause it for a couple of time


Active member
One important step to get the things work is synchronously moving a container asset with the animated gear of the crane to let it look like the container is hooked to the gear. I called it an object moving over time. I don't get it to run with a threaded game loop smoothie enough and the z position falls back to the ground so the container didn't fly hooked to the gear.
And now all my ideas to that are consumed and no new is raised for now.
I'll now spend time improving my blender skills with geo nodes and gaming nodes with UPBGE.
Later I'll come back to this ACTS project to prove some new Ideas I hopefully got and meanwhile of course playing around with some Trainz features for my own fun.
I had a thought for you instead of attaching the container to the crane.
Make the crane a part of an interactive industry so your tracks and container queue points are in set locations already. Your unloading animation makes the container fade out, and fade back in a certain amount of time later, possibly you can script that animation to pause until the crane coords are in a specific location. Then you can just make the crane hook travel to the wagon position, fade in its own container sub mesh, travel to the next available empty queue position and fade out its own container. When your script finds the container crane at the correct coords you can then let the loading animation finish and fade in the unloaded container.... I've not dabbled with Trainz Script before (i want to) just don't know where to start!!!
I've not dabbled with Trainz Script before (i want to) just don't know where to start!!!
I started with the rebuilding of the tutorials. But had before many basicly knowledgr about object oriented design and classes and methods and attributes and some basic knowledge about some languages like basic, phyton, lua and so on.
Make the crane a part of an interactive industry so your ... queue position and fade out its own container.
This is one good idea to work with queues. I think about.
For the current version I step a little bit back. Hooking and dehooking is the first basic I should solf.