Abuse of DLS - repeat offending


Active member
username "fenfe4"
kind "scenery"
light 1
category-class "BR"
description "Наклонный забор пандуса"
author "ER2-1017"
organisation "TRS-1017rus"
contact-email "ER2--1017@yandex.ru"
contact-website "http://trs-1017rus.ucoz.ru"
license "??????????? ???????????? ????? ?????? ? ???????? ?????? ?? download ?????????."
category-region "RU"
category-era "1970s;1980s;1990s;2000s;2010s"
trainz-build 2.9

image "dummy.jpg"
width 240
height 180


auto-create 1
mesh "zabor.im"
kuid <kuid:163552:100077>


This is by drakonchikus212 (kuid group 163552), but note author is shown as "ER2-1017" possibly a club or organisation.

Can you spot what is wrong with this asset shown above?

It occurs 1246 times on the DLS as of 4 Mar 2015 and only the asset kuid is different.
Similarly, 'fenfe' variants occur by krash_01 (kuid group 110210) and are identical.

The image appears to be the bannister (fence) as would occur alongside steps or stairs.

Now look at 'lavichka&urn' variants by krash_01, all of a table and urn with only asset kuid different.
Then 'pandgus' variants of a roof.

Many of these are the second upgrade of the asset with no change from the original.

More likely this is some totally unnecessary attempt to ensure reserving kuid numbers on the DLS. Maybe multiplayer related.
That can be done on your own PC prior to upload.

No matter what the originator's reason for uploading thousands of identical assets with identical usernames, it is highly annoying. I do not believe it is best practice. I recommend it ceases.
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I do not believe it is best practice. I recommend it ceases.

N3V Games must delete such ridiculous items from the DLS. No ifs, no buts!

It is bad enough that some content creators use several hundred parts in a particular content creation (why so many?), it also makes looking for what is new neigh on impossible on the DLS when the allowance to view is only 1000 item and these 1000 items are such as Ian described.

My opinion

Yeah, it's annoying, but at least is easily remedied. I spotted this a few months back with another user pulling this. Opened a Help Desk ticket with high priority. It was taken care of within 24 hours. Actually I think closer to 12. I'm not sure what can be done proactively, though.
N3V Games must delete such ridiculous items from the DLS. No ifs, no buts!

It is bad enough that some content creators use several hundred parts in a particular content creation (why so many?), it also makes looking for what is new neigh on impossible on the DLS when the allowance to view is only 1000 item and these 1000 items are such as Ian described.

My opinion


I wanted to address this one in particular because I've seen this crop up before. There is a certain creator that is known for having created several sets of Catenaries numbering in total in the tens of thousands of assets. I would suggest looking at his stuff before questioning the reasoning behind it. This creator literally sat down and figured out every possible permutation of Modern Catenary Cable Systems and created assets to fit almost every possible situation that one could possibly encounter when it comes to stringing catenaries anywhere. His system is robust, but it is also the best most detailed Catenary System to date available for this game. Im less familiar with other non-english speaking creators, however I have been told that some other Eastern Block Authors have done similar things for other aspects of Railroad paraphernalia.

Probably the most egregious though still acceptable form of this was one creator that used his own naming nomenclature for every single object, house, tree, car, bike, and whatever other scenary object you care to name with no regard for what the object actually was while creating a route. At least here I can understand and accept what he did and why, even if Im not overly fond of having something on the order of 500+ Items in my Objects list with names like (Examples are not accurate, used for demonstration purposes only) "DMIZ-5350" all the way through "DMIZ-5608" with no clue what they might be till I look at every single one of them.....

This all said, I very much agree that duplication of another's assets without at least a mention or direct given permission should at least be investigated if not outright removed (Depending on circumstances). Stealing another active author's assets is particularly silly in my mind.

Yeah, it's annoying, but at least is easily remedied. I spotted this a few months back with another user pulling this. Opened a Help Desk ticket with high priority. It was taken care of within 24 hours. Actually I think closer to 12. I'm not sure what can be done proactively, though.

And I definitely agree with this (^). If you have an issue with something someone's posted, bring it up to the Helpdesk and let them sort it out.

In this case, Falcus, this isn't Wedge_Antillles or Bugor. This Krash_test routes with 140K files sizes and another uploading a similar number of the same bits and pieces over gain of the same size. Again, it's the same people from the same country doing it for multiplayer version.

These uploads to reserve the space are unnecessary and make downloading for the rest of us miserable.

The DLS has become a bloody joke, N3v couldn't give a flying one as long as you all cough up your cash & buy T:ane :o
N3V is really busy developing T:ANE, and the DLS is flooded with "Reserved" automatic uploads ... They could always mass delete "ALL" of the offender(s) uploads sometime down the road, but I wouldn't expect any action any time soon
Even though it takes two to tango, only one is needed to trip up other people.

Banning specific contributors would only work until they change names. Removing those objects will require a lot of work to validate the objects to ensure only offending ones are removed.

Perhaps what is needed is an ignore function for the DLS, like what we have here in the forum. That way, any uploader that annoys you can be selectively removed from any search results without affecting those who want or need those same objects.
I hate DLS for a reason I refuse to upload my work on it that's why I use meadafire and host my own models I'm sick and tired of these children ruining it for us the models, route builders and such wen they just upload worthless crap! it takes for me and ever other who uses it. I haven't time to dig throw crap to find something I need this is why I only download stuff form real users not these kids who upload junk just because there too dam stupid to lean how to make something worth are time! There no excuse for this what so ever and it needs to be dwelt with very harshly even getting a 30 day ban and there crap items removed off dls.
I guess it's the way I use the DLS and Content Manager, because I never notice these mass uploads until someone on the forum mentions them. My content manager searches are usually only my assets, certain favorite content creators and installed assets that have been updated. Other than possibly slowing down DLS searches, these mass uploads or reserved assets or whatever don't affect me at all.
...don't affect me at all.
Do we have volunteer to go through the DLS on a regular basis to grade the content and remove the offending objects. That person better have a thick skin because it's pretty well guaranteed that almost nobody will agree with all the decisions.

Best bet is to do like SharkNose and do focused searches and you'll never be bothered. On the other hand, if you look for everything, you'll get the good, the bad and the ugly, with apologies to Sergio.
What is need is for N3V to get the Russian Language Moderator to pop into the Russian area of the forums and start a conversation with the Russian users about this problem
Actually you can exclude a specific author(s) using CM filter as part of your download filter.

Author nnnn

I am not against large numbers of assets by a single author eg dmdrake when the assets have an obvious purpose like producing a specific style of house or tree or track.
What I object to is the meaningless repetition of the same asset under the guise of another kuid when I don't understand why. Please enlighten me.
Maybe these guys just don't understand the impact of their actions, or is this a noxious side effect of the multiplayer using DLS as a sandbox.
I was thinking more along the lines of the moderator for the appropriate language re-educating the offenders, so they don't upload until they have something other than a placeholder image of a balustrade.
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Hi All
As noted by several people at the start of this thread, if you see such 'mass reserved' (or equivalent) assets, please report them to the helpdesk. We've stated many times, it's easy to miss a thread/post on the forums, so the most reliable way to report issues such as this is via the helpdesk.

I will get this looked into ASAP.
