Mods - if this is the wrong area please move it - thanks.
I'm sure a lot of you have heard Microsoft is (sort of) trying to get everyone to switch to Windows 10 whether you want it or not. Incessant pop ups and reminders on your computer and so on.
Along those lines I have noticed the sudden appearance of 5 unusual locked file folders on drive C.
Recycle Bin
Documents and Settings
System Volume Information.
They were definitely not there a few weeks ago and I certainly didn't put them there so I wonder if these aren't some sort or "preconditioning" folders MS is placing on my computer in advance of either me deciding to install Windows10 or them doing it for me in the form of an "upgrade".
Dare I delete them?
Any ideas gents?
I'm sure a lot of you have heard Microsoft is (sort of) trying to get everyone to switch to Windows 10 whether you want it or not. Incessant pop ups and reminders on your computer and so on.
Along those lines I have noticed the sudden appearance of 5 unusual locked file folders on drive C.
Recycle Bin
Documents and Settings
System Volume Information.
They were definitely not there a few weeks ago and I certainly didn't put them there so I wonder if these aren't some sort or "preconditioning" folders MS is placing on my computer in advance of either me deciding to install Windows10 or them doing it for me in the form of an "upgrade".
Dare I delete them?
Any ideas gents?