A Windows 10 question


Bridge-n-trestle builder
Mods - if this is the wrong area please move it - thanks.

I'm sure a lot of you have heard Microsoft is (sort of) trying to get everyone to switch to Windows 10 whether you want it or not. Incessant pop ups and reminders on your computer and so on.

Along those lines I have noticed the sudden appearance of 5 unusual locked file folders on drive C.
Recycle Bin
Documents and Settings
System Volume Information.

They were definitely not there a few weeks ago and I certainly didn't put them there so I wonder if these aren't some sort or "preconditioning" folders MS is placing on my computer in advance of either me deciding to install Windows10 or them doing it for me in the form of an "upgrade".

Dare I delete them?

Any ideas gents?

Hi Ben,

I can advise on those folders...

Recycle Bin - this is also known as a folder called Recycled. It's basically the Windows recycle bin.
Documents and Settings - this is a compatibility folder that is related to the Users folder from memory.
MSOcache - this usually crops up if you've got Microsoft Office installed as it's the Microsoft Office cache folder.
Recovery - this folder contains recovery information (usually the case if it's an OEM system).
System Volume Information - this is where System Restore keeps it's restore points.

In short, it's folders that Windows or Office creates in normal use (they are usually hidden folders though).

The ones to watch out for though are ~WINDOWS.BT and ~WINDOWS.WS as these contain Windows 10 installation files.

Hi Shane:

Yah some looked familiar but never seen them in this location before.

How can I hide them (again)?

Speaking of things related to W10 - I heard a (I hope) false rumor that Gmax doesn't work in W10. Any truth to that you know of?


I haven't heard of that one before as the majority of programs in Win7/8/8.1 should work in Win10.

In terms of hiding the folders this is done using Folder Options which is in one of the menus when viewing a folder - it's on the second tab along within a list of tick boxes and option buttons.

To calm you down about the whole Gmax thing, it didn't work at first for a lot of people, but later on, someone discovered something and now gmax can be used on Windows 10.
Thanks Shane - will see if I can find it.

Thanks Zeldaboy14 - now I can resume breathing (and hopefully that will re-start my heart, lol).

I'll be buying a new computer later this year and want to come with W10 - I just don't want it on this one (even if Bill Gates wants it here).

EDIT: Interesting - the "hidden" box is there but I'm not allowed to tick it.

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Great! mucho thanks.

Now all I have to do is see if I can save some $$$ faster then my wife can spend it, lol.

Sounds like a corrupted profile. Seems to happen a lot in the newer versions of Windows.

You can try changing the ownership of the folders to you to see if there's anything worth keeping. Otherwise, I'd leave them alone and make frequent back ups. As long as it's not a temporary or roaming profile, you can probably get by.
I'm running windows 7 ultimate - not that new, lol.

I back up all my Gmax and Trainz stuff weekly on 3 external hard drives so shouldn't lose too much if the kaka hits the rotational device.

My computer hasn't been the same since I turned it off for 10 days to move from Florida to Tennessee. Had to re-install windows (what a pain in the drain). Was going to buy a new one anyway but this moved it up the priority list (but not far enough or quick enough - the wife bought some new furniture before I could order my new computer, lol).

Hi Shane:

Yah some looked familiar but never seen them in this location before.

How can I hide them (again)?

Speaking of things related to W10 - I heard a (I hope) false rumor that Gmax doesn't work in W10. Any truth to that you know of?



gmax works for me and I'm running windows 10
I'm running windows 7 ultimate - not that new, lol.

I back up all my Gmax and Trainz stuff weekly on 3 external hard drives so shouldn't lose too much if the kaka hits the rotational device.

My computer hasn't been the same since I turned it off for 10 days to move from Florida to Tennessee. Had to re-install windows (what a pain in the drain). Was going to buy a new one anyway but this moved it up the priority list (but not far enough or quick enough - the wife bought some new furniture before I could order my new computer, lol).



Did you check that the boards and connectors didn't loosen up during the move? That can cause weird things to happen and even corrupt data when the computer is turned on if it happens to be a drive cable. Check the power connectors and drive cables on the SATA drives in particular because those connectors are so small and are not always held in place by a clip - some are now which is good but many are just held on by the connector which is a tiny slit. The boards should be fine, but it's worth checking on those as well.
