A whole different kind of Toaster

Actually, Isaac, I was being somewhat sarcastic. The automotive and airline industry (like the rail industry in it's time) has had HUGE help from the governments in the past. I could cite several examples, but most of you know this. As an example, I know for a fact that the automobile industry essentially killed the railroad industry c/o government funding for highways and that they literally bought all the streetcar companies in several main cities, dismantled the companies and tore up the tracks. They were fined 1 dollar as a punishment at the time! I don't think such a thing would be possible in this day and age thankfully...if the railroad industry today had funding which equalled the airline or highway industry, I'm sure they'd be reasonably competitive and far more efficient. As far as I know, railways are very efficient when it comes to moving people in terms of carbon emissions, more so than airplanes. However, there is hope in the near future care of these studies, at least in my country of origin...

Which brings me to my next point. Roorocs, I actually don't know what to say based on your reply. Based on it's tone, it's not very friendly. Anyhow here goes...

I think I'm touched that you think I'm American, but I'm not. The same is true for many of the forum members here. I don't know everything about America and as such, I am not to be held accountable, lectured or demeaned for being from another country. I think it's arrogant to assume that everyone on the forums should know everything about a local countries laws, politics, etc...and I bet that if I were to ask you about other countries and their local laws and politics, that you wouldn't be able to tell me about them? In that case, I think most forum members here who know me would be quick to say that my tone would not be nearly as rude as yours.

As I stated before, past industries have hampered government to say the least. I don't trust the governments in most, if not all countries because they are controlled by business. That's my opinion. I think that as the world's superpower, America should be doing more to help lead in alternative energy and conservation, including using forms of transportation and energy that are less carbon intensive, but that's my opinion. I'm not going to tell anyone what I think they should do unless they ask for it and even then, I will be tactful. You however, do not have the right to tell someone what they should do unless they ask for it.

I don't watch the news, rather I read it. Everyday in fact. You should not judge someone else when you know so little about them. It might help to remember that of the 6 600 000 000 + people out there, that only 22% are American.

I do not mean to attack anyone's nationality or country. I have many friends from many different countries. I just do not take it lightly when I'm attacked and demeaned for no good reason.

Now that... Was a response!:) Amtrak is actually the only from of public transportation that doesn't have an official budget.. They find what they keep, and Amtrak was started on very little money. I don't know if anyone has heard of the Ampenny before, but its certainly not true.

Right, Gisa, I apologize. I come from a strange culture here in America: Washington D.C. Here, you greet people by saying "Look, you're an idiot. Here's why." That's why our politicians are so competent:eek:. This is just the natural, gut reaction to anything that might possibly be wrong that people have over here.
Hey everyone, Im just waiting on my scripter, he's finishing up the complicated lighting controls, after thats all done i'll release the amtrak skins, and than maybe the septa and marc skins as well. Don't think im not working on em! Because i got a surprise coming soon!

It's cool roorocz. :) I suppose I shouldn't be so negative either. I just worry about humanities future and right now, our future depends on everyone else, no matter what their nationality is. Hehe, I used to watch the daily show for what it's worth ;) but it's harder to do that kind of stuff out here...:'(

And hey, there are some very cool things you guys have too. The toaster, the acela, etc...are definitely some one of them! :D

Hmm...a surprise? Well I for one have no idea...we'll just have to wait and see. :'(


Gisa ^^
Seoul can be really crowded and dirty though, mind you, most cities of that size get like that. I live in a suburb of Seoul for now...maybe we'll move somewhere smaller when I get back from back home.

I'd love to be able to learn gmax and texturing so I could make some asian rolling stock too. I hope to do so in the future...while there is a shortage of North American rolling stock, there's some neat stuff out here that simply doesn't exist. :|


Gisa ^^
It might help to remember that of the 6 600 000 000 + people out there, that only 22% are American.


I'm only 15% :eek: (shocking isn't it?)

I'm mainly the following:

...and my mom's a New Zealander.... lol Don't ask....

Corey, I can't wait for the surprise :p

...well actually, I can. Its just so nice to have more QUALITY Amtrak stuff, rather than just junk :p ... I'm still a bad reskinner :p

Isaac Grove

I tried downloading your Amtrak AEM-7 from your website, Corey, but for some reason my security won't allow me to download the file. I'm on my home computer so there's no company or business type of firewall or security safeguards.

How can I fix my security settings to allow download of your AEM-7 cdp?
Can you download any other things from other sites? You may need to turn off your firewall or whatever else you have turned on, than turn them on after you have the file downloaded.

Can you download any other things from other sites? You may need to turn off your firewall or whatever else you have turned on, than turn them on after you have the file downloaded.


I can download stuff from the DLS, e-mail attachments, and most stuff just fine. The only websites so far I can't seem to download from is yours and Amtrak Geek Zone's website.