Just call my Captain Rude
My long suffering desktop Trainz Computer "Trainzbeast" has finally after about 6 years of hard work and 4 diffrent versions of trainz (TRS-2004-2006-TC) and many hours of Gmax and quite a few TotR events, has gone to the great Computer resting place over the rainbow.
Now its just a matter of time waiting for the box with all the parts for "TrainzbeastII" to arrive, put in my AGP card, copy my files off my backup drives and its back in business.
Ok the loss of an old mate is a bit of a sad thing but all is ok as I have backups.
In the mean time it looks like all the years that the old UTC computer "Grumpy" has been sitting in the shed was not in vain as if I need a trainz fix I have UTC to help me.
Maybe we need to set up a memorial to icon Trainz Computers like who could forget "Gruntmister" who went missing in the line of service. And then the day when the great Grunty and Beast had a battle of the hard drive space via a cross over cable at Canberra which of course Grunty won.
Remember backup backup backup
RIP Trainzbeast 1/2008
Now its just a matter of time waiting for the box with all the parts for "TrainzbeastII" to arrive, put in my AGP card, copy my files off my backup drives and its back in business.
Ok the loss of an old mate is a bit of a sad thing but all is ok as I have backups.
In the mean time it looks like all the years that the old UTC computer "Grumpy" has been sitting in the shed was not in vain as if I need a trainz fix I have UTC to help me.
Maybe we need to set up a memorial to icon Trainz Computers like who could forget "Gruntmister" who went missing in the line of service. And then the day when the great Grunty and Beast had a battle of the hard drive space via a cross over cable at Canberra which of course Grunty won.
Remember backup backup backup
RIP Trainzbeast 1/2008