A reminder backup backup backup - Trainzbeast RIP


Just call my Captain Rude
My long suffering desktop Trainz Computer "Trainzbeast" has finally after about 6 years of hard work and 4 diffrent versions of trainz (TRS-2004-2006-TC) and many hours of Gmax and quite a few TotR events, has gone to the great Computer resting place over the rainbow.

Now its just a matter of time waiting for the box with all the parts for "TrainzbeastII" to arrive, put in my AGP card, copy my files off my backup drives and its back in business.

Ok the loss of an old mate is a bit of a sad thing but all is ok as I have backups.

In the mean time it looks like all the years that the old UTC computer "Grumpy" has been sitting in the shed was not in vain as if I need a trainz fix I have UTC to help me.

Maybe we need to set up a memorial to icon Trainz Computers like who could forget "Gruntmister" who went missing in the line of service. And then the day when the great Grunty and Beast had a battle of the hard drive space via a cross over cable at Canberra which of course Grunty won.

Remember backup backup backup
RIP Trainzbeast 1/2008
Yes, backup, backup, backup, is very good advice as you say.

Too many people do not realise that a computer WILL fail at some time, not IF. All things wear out sooner or later. Plus there is the possibility of storm, water, power surge damage.

So organise your backups NOW. It will save you a lot of grief later on. I learnt a lesson many moons ago with the loss of 9gb of data and photos that I can never recover.

Now I backup every month. So far it has saved me twice.

Monthly ????

Monthly is still too risky for me. Weekly is the outside limit. If I've been particularly busy it's daily for Trainz and work stuff.

Also, I don't do just one back up. Trainz has a primary back up on a second drive, plus the main back up drive for all data including Trainz. This drive is never left connected or plugged in anywhere when not in use (power surges) To back all these measures up I do 3 monthly hard back ups to discs ensuring survival of at least some data.

Overkill? Maybe but our area is subject to lightning strikes and then there's Murphy's Laws.


Monthly is still too risky for me. Weekly is the outside limit. If I've been particularly busy it's daily for Trainz and work stuff.

Also, I don't do just one back up. Trainz has a primary back up on a second drive, plus the main back up drive for all data including Trainz. This drive is never left connected or plugged in anywhere when not in use (power surges) To back all these measures up I do 3 monthly hard back ups to discs ensuring survival of at least some data.

Overkill? Maybe but our area is subject to lightning strikes and then there's Murphy's Laws.



Overkill?? No way. I do weekly back ups too, Brett. I archive my recent work to CDP's on a parelled drive. Then all work to both disc and to an external drive. The pre-SP1 version of TRS2006 gave me the unsolveable mysterious disappearing routes problem, so I was forced into it. It's now become routine.

Bearcat's original post of backup, backup, backup is the best piece of advice you'll get on these Forums.....no matter how many times it's told.

Trainz Back-up

I backed up Trainz UTC to the e-drive. but when i run it not all of the downloads are there. I am doing this in case of a c drive disaster. any ideas. Also i tried to instal a new copy to the e drive and it does not do anything except try to load to the c drive and wants to know if the previous copy is to be deleted.
Thank you for looking
3 times the fun

When I used to work for the NSW TAFE Commission we were all ways told to do back ups in 3's, one kept in your office, one in the safe and one you took home with you.

We were told not to think files left on the local server was safe and in fact at the end of each year the server drives were cleaned off.

Running a backup on to 20 or more 1.44m floppies 3 times each friday was always alot of fun. That and the disks would fail quite often, oh and the cost of a box of 10 floppies was about A$20 each. What fun we had
Dont forget that fire, flood, theft from your house (and other natural disasters) could also wreck your lifes work, so backup on to removable media AND STORE ELSEWHERE.....