A Misty late Fall Sunset over the Hudson River

This looks outstanding.:udrool: :mop: How is your Horseshoe curve comming along?
Where about is the locale for your pics? (this thread topic) Upstate NY?

Best regards:wave:
Mike S.
Thanks, the curve is coming along very well, I will post update shots soon.

Damn it's so good I vist this thread everday just to look at
the screenies:udrool:
And once Again super shots!
Again I'm glad you like them, Here are some more.:)

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Oh and by the way; there is NO Photoshop so don't even start Kids.:wave:

I hope the rest of you enjoy the shots:)

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No offence though, I sure love your skies and what it's doing with the atmosphere but it seems you're shooting a lot at a different angle. I sure hope you have some other settings to show besides these Bob Ross see trough forrestrial square meters?
There's no river either. :D
Haha The river is just out of sight:)
No offence though, I sure love your skies and what it's doing with the atmosphere but it seems you're shooting a lot at a different angle. I sure hope you have some other settings to show besides these Bob Ross see trough forrestrial square meters?
Thanks I'm' glad you like the screenshots.
As for more settings and angles just search my name on the forum and browse around. I have an extensive body of screenshots with many different angles, moods and locals.

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Looks good! Now I only need to print 'em out, head down to Mexico and sell my "OFFICIAL TRAINZ ROUTE EASTERN CALENDARZ!" :hehe:
Hello John, like so many others I too visit this thread to see what new screenshot you've put up for us, they are so wonderfully shot. May I ask please, the rainbow that appears in a lot of these, is it built-in to the sky or is it a separate item, as I'm sure lots of us would like to have one......:hehe:

Thankz a lot and keep up the inspiring work.

Cheerz. ex-railwayman.
The rainbow is a built in trainz effect. If you turn the weather tab toward rain just a hint it will show up ever so faintly in the fog.
Aww....no screens.:'(

When I saw you post here I thought, "Wicked! More Screens!"
But alas there is none.:(

The rainbow is a built in trainz effect. If you turn the weather tab toward rain just a hint it will show up ever so faintly in the fog.

Thanks very much John, I'll give it a go, if you don't see a screenie soon, take it I've been unsuccessful......:hehe:

Cheerz. ex-railwayman.