A.I. Driving problem


New member
I just made the Septa subway route for philadelphia and I layed the tracks and the signals the right way now when it comes to telling the A.I. to drive to the further stations, the train won't even move. how can I fix this problem?
AI driving

Hi almir19142,

There are lots of things that could be wrong. First drive your train manually to the next station to see if it derails, if it does this means there is a bad connection. Also, do you have a signal just ahead of where the train is departing from? Is it red or green? Do you have a turnout just ahead of where the train is departing from? Does the turnout defalt to the main line? If not, place a trackmark beyond the turn out and tell your AI driver to drive via this trackmark. In short try a few experiments to see exactly what the trouble is then get back to the forum with more details.

Hope this helps,
I have just found that if there is a switch with no lever attached to it, the AI can not see any trackmark beyond that switch and will not move. That could be your problem as well.

