Need to go into Content manager for error view first
Please post a screen shot picture showing what the errors are, folks can't help you if they can't see the errors.......
This needs to be done in you Content Manager, find the asset, and right click over asset and "VIEW ERRORS" it will come up with a mini screen the shows, Click on that mini screen.
On your keyboard, use WIN key + prt sc key combined that will take a picture of screen, then go look in your trainz directory for picture.
C:\Users\x\AppData\Local\N3V Games\TANE\build ontrtmv61\screenshots
For example I have a problem with Steam engine here, missing interior and engine specs, so this is how I show the errors, I forgot, in Content Manager set your filter on upper left window to Faulty, so it will show any problems list on Faulty items only, that's what you want to see and who knows, you might have many more faulty ones that you have run across yet, and the ones that have Errors should show RED in pull out tab too, when you go to select them to add to your route and it won't let you.

Hope this helps you,