4-7-24 - New Payware Releases - BNSF SD9-3, UP SD40 1980's style, B40-8 ATSF including BNSF patch, CN ET44 Heritage Set 1

Just ignore that RetroRails guy, and add him to your blocklist. All he does is harangue members on this forum, then if said member disagrees with him in any way, he flames them in personal messages. He sent me several after I called him out on another thread. Kept threatening me with being banned ! He's always right, and you... always wrong... Guy is frink'n unbelieve-able...

Just ignore that RetroRails guy, and add him to your blocklist. All he does is harangue members on this forum, then if said member disagrees with him in any way, he flames them in personal messages. He sent me several after I called him out on another thread. Kept threatening me with being banned ! He's always right, and you... always wrong... Guy is frink'n unbelieve-able...

I thought I was the only one who got on the wrong side of his crosshairs.
Maybe because there was a missing dependency in the package...
Just to clarify HPL I wasn't speaking of those that commented about missing dependencies. I should have just called out Retrorails12 specifically I guess.
It was confusing as you wrote "the first comments" (that were about a missing dependency).