4-6-4 Hudsons?


New member
Does anyone know of any Baldwin 4-6-4 Hudsons for download? Might be interested in trying to reskin one for Maine Central after I come back from Normandy. Going on vacation in a few hours woohoo! :D

Piccie of said loco's found here and here (#701 and #702, the biggest steamers MEC ever owned). :cool:
Can't get the pics to load but if you're after the MR streamlined one then its on the DLS with 2004 ticked. I'm not sure about non streamlined versions tho.


Piccies/links work fine for me, not sure what's up with that. The loco's in question are USRA 4-6-4's, non-streamlined ones. :)

(Currently waiting for my ride to France to show up!) :hehe: