3 way junctions

The question was how to signal it, not how to make it. We have nice 02 and L02 signals for right and left diverges, but I don't see any that handle the 3 way.
There are none.

With the strange Pommie signals with the "feathers", a row of white lights that light up to show you which direction you're taking it is possible to get a 3 feather signal but with the American based speed signalling setup there is no indictaion for a 3rd direction. You might be able to fluff it for your AI drivers by using invisible signals but there's nothing off the shelf that I know of.

Of course then again I might be totally wrong! :D


We invented Railways in the UK and the way its done here is that we never (or hardly ever in case someone proves me wrong) use them on passenger lines.If we do use them at all its in Yrads where space is at a premium.
Hi All,
I have used one three way junction on a layout I'm building. I used a three way to avoid having more than one signal protecting a single line section which avoids having trainz meeting head to head on a single track.

The secret in this junction is the track direction marker which stops trains entering the tunnel on the right hand line. Therefore I can use a normal right branch signal for trains turning right and for trains going straight ahead to the tunnel.
Thanks to ImageShack for Free Image Hosting

Now there's an imaginative bit of lateral thinking Bill.

Must be an Upper Hutt signal! :D:D



PS I hope it's not copyright coz I'm sure gonna borrow that idea!
"Bill69" although that layout will work in Trainz , in practise this is how it would be done in the UK.To illustrate it I have used a Pommy 3 Aspect Colour Light Signal with a Position 4 Junction Indicator (nicknamed a "feather"). In all UK Signals (except one type) no feather is provided for the "straight ahead" or "higher speed" route so this one has a Pos 4 Feather applying to the curved Branch which has a Signal Invisible (Green "S") so that the feather will illuminate when the points are set for the Branch.Although trains towards the tunnel will still pass over 2 sets of point blades they are completely seperate and on straight track.If a train takes the branch , it only has to pass over one set of point blades at Junction A, so the possibility of a derailment is reduced by 50%.:p
3way junction

Hi lewisner,

I did have it set up like your example, but for trainz comming towards the picture, because there was a signal protecting junction B then a signal protecting junction A they would not stop a train from entering the first short single track section between junction A and junction B, therefore causing a collision. My single track section at the bottom of the picture is about one and a half miles long before it joins another double track section and using the 3 way junction method, witch ever train claims the junction first stops the opposing train from entering the single track section. This only works if there are no other signals on the single track section.


p.s. another way it would work is to install an invisible junction before junction B and use the junction control V2 rule.

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Bill69 , I"m not sure I understand that.In my shot both Junction A and Junction B points will usually be set Normal for the line straight ahead to the tunnel.Thus on the line FROM the tunnel there is a 2 Aspect Red/Green signal preventing trains from passing over Junction B.Theres no signal between Junction B and Junction A since if there were such a signal you could have a situation where a train was stopped by it you would then have a train "fouling the junction" and preventing the Signalman from moving Junction A points.I guess what you mean is that if a train arrives at Junction B before a train arrives at Junction A then Trainz AI might allow the first train onto the single line and you"d get a stalemate? I"m pretty sure there is a Trigger Rule which causes Train 1 to "wait for" Train 2 but I don"t have single lines on my route I"ve never had to investigate it yet...:rolleyes:
Anyway, what I did was to extend the double track and connect it to a 2 track terminus elsewher on my testbed.Then I extended the single track section to another terminus.I experimented by starting trains from both Termini at roughly the same time.It worked "OK" but better if the train from the single line (the HST in this photo) left first because that meant it cleared the junction first.In any case the J39 steamer waited at the signal till the HST had passed and then the J39 went onto the single line.But the J39 still tried to get past the signal at red so I installed a pair of Trap Points and moved the signal further from Junction B.Now it runs like a Swiss watch! It seems that the AI Driver of the J39 stopsa fixed distance from the POINTS , not the signal , so when I put the Trap Points in he sees them and stops well clear.The second the last bogie of the HST passes over Junction B the Signal turns green and the J39 starts to move.So thats the secret of making this layout work - Trap Points...:cool: :cool:
3 way junction

Hi leweisner,

Yes I aggree with you. I think what you are calling trap points is what I mean by the invisible junction. Without the trap points timing is critical, with trap points linked to the points at the other end of the single line section the signal the AI sees on exiting the tunnel will go red as soon as the train coming towards the tunnel enters the single line section. At the other end of the single line section I have a simple single to double conection i.e. no branch line, so there is no problem there. I will relay the rails and set this up just to see if it is foolproof.

I have seen a 3 way Semaphore signal @ the Severn Valley Railway.

Its on the entrance into Bridgnorth.
its a junction Signal I would like to try and make... But alas I have no idea how to LOL.

I wouldnt mind seeing some Semaphore Signals with calling-on arms and alike.
I'm thinking of putting together a branchline together but I never have any luck because I never can get the signals I want.
Hoe do you signal a 3 way junction/switch/turnout? With a 3 way signal. That is how I do it. At least one comes with TRS2006.
"Bill69" although that layout will work in Trainz , in practise this is how it would be done in the UK.To illustrate it I have used a Pommy 3 Aspect Colour Light Signal with a Position 4 Junction Indicator (nicknamed a "feather"). In all UK Signals (except one type) no feather is provided for the "straight ahead" or "higher speed" route so this one has a Pos 4 Feather applying to the curved Branch which has a Signal Invisible (Green "S") so that the feather will illuminate when the points are set for the Branch.Although trains towards the tunnel will still pass over 2 sets of point blades they are completely seperate and on straight track.If a train takes the branch , it only has to pass over one set of point blades at Junction A, so the possibility of a derailment is reduced by 50%.:p

I wouldn't do it that way. I'd signal it with bloodnok's colour light signals and I'd only need one signal. Using the provided boards, Bloodnok's signals light up the appropriate feather when a route is selected. If you do it right and use the right board, you can even get the signal to stay red when an invalid route is set.

