2 important questions in TS2012 and T:ANE


Hayajiro Conductor
Hi there,
I have 2 questions concerning about TS2012 and T:ANE.
First one: (TS2012)
So I have 2 screenshots.

You will notice that there's the SP P-10, with a boxcar consist and a SP C-50 caboose. The SD40-2 is there to show the ACTUAL problem.

Now in this screenshot, I moved the SD40 into the SP consist, but it goes through. I can't delete the SP consist but I can delete the other locomotives and rolling stocks in the route I have. The tracks, I can't delete because the "undeletable" train is hooked up on the track. In driver, I try to add a driver, but the driver magically disappears from the drivers list and I can't drive the locomotive. Does anyone know a solution to fix this?

And here's my question about T:ANE. I have the Delxue edition (and I bought it on Steam.) Just a few moments ago, I accidently changed the save destination folder to my hard drive, which told me to restart T:ANE. When I try to load up T:ANE, it gives me this error:
"Failed to open Trainz Asset Database." Now note this is a steam bought game, and I can't open up T:ANE anymore since It opens up with the Database error. I Uninstalled the game 2 times, and it shows up with the same result. The main menu doesn't show up anymore. Is there any way to solve this?
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First one: (TS2012)
You will notice that there's the SP P-10, with a boxcar consist and a SP C-50 caboose. The SD40-2 is there to show the ACTUAL problem. Now in this screenshot, I moved the SD40 into the SP consist, but it goes through. I can't delete the SP consist but I can delete the other locomotives and rolling stocks in the route I have. The tracks, I can't delete because the "undeletable" train is hooked up on the track. In driver, I try to add a driver, but the driver magically disappears from the drivers list and I can't drive the locomotive. Does anyone know a solution to fix this?

This indicates a faulty traincar - probably the engine. It is often associated with a faulty bogey, but will also occur if the asset is aliased to a faulty item - because the alias is not validated, the traincar is available in surveyor, but won't work.

You should be able to delete the track by pasting over it with an area that doesn't include track (being sure that 'paste track' is selected). This enables you to reconstruct the route, but the faulty engine is still listed as an asset in the route. You may be able to fix it by deleting the asset from CMP and replacing it with a known good asset that uses the same kuid, or perhaps even by creating an updated version of the faulty asset. But in general it is best to revert to a backup.
This indicates a faulty traincar - probably the engine. It is often associated with a faulty bogey, but will also occur if the asset is aliased to a faulty item - because the alias is not validated, the traincar is available in surveyor, but won't work.

You should be able to delete the track by pasting over it with an area that doesn't include track (being sure that 'paste track' is selected). This enables you to reconstruct the route, but the faulty engine is still listed as an asset in the route. You may be able to fix it by deleting the asset from CMP and replacing it with a known good asset that uses the same kuid, or perhaps even by creating an updated version of the faulty asset. But in general it is best to revert to a backup.

I know that the P-10 isn't faulty, as I have 4 other locomotives on different sidings and stuff. I'll try the paste method.
Also; do you by chance know about the T:ANE question I have? :/
To remove an invisible loco or train car, connect other train cars to it to make a consist and then delete the consist. When you connect a good train to the broken one, the red and green arrows will spread out.

As you can see there is something wrong with the UP SD70. You have to check what is causing the error. It could be, as has been said, by a missing or faulty dependency, or missing mesh if the asset is an alias...

Regarding your T:ANE question...

If you changed the data location, after starting T:ANE, it will not find your data.

Ensure that the destination is mapped properly in the options.
Run a database repair.

If the repair hangs, you will have to delete (clear) the Internet Cache folder found under your T:ANE User Data/Cache/Internet.

Installing from Steam does not affect this so this is not a Steam-related issue.

To remove an invisible loco or train car, connect other train cars to it to make a consist and then delete the consist. When you connect a good train to the broken one, the red and green arrows will spread out.

As you can see there is something wrong with the UP SD70. You have to check what is causing the error. It could be, as has been said, by a missing or faulty dependency, or missing mesh if the asset is an alias...

Regarding your T:ANE question...

If you changed the data location, after starting T:ANE, it will not find your data.

Ensure that the destination is mapped properly in the options.
Run a database repair.

If the repair hangs, you will have to delete (clear) the Internet Cache folder found under your T:ANE User Data/Cache/Internet.

Installing from Steam does not affect this so this is not a Steam-related issue.


Oh, the SD70 is a completely different thing. (I was using an SD40-2 for this test.) The problem was within the SP consist I had.
The thing is, I can't open up the main menu since it boots up the prompt error first :confused:

True, it's not a steam related issue since I found the empty folders that T:ANE created in my hard drive, and the original folder destination in a different folder.
Now, does anything get affected if I try to move the trainz files over to the new folder destination? Actually, now I'm curious.
With the release date of T:ANE is around the corner (2 days for me)
is T:ANE going to be a whole new fresh download? If so, that would probably* make this a little easier to relieve on.
*I'm thinking since the problem is based on how I accident set the destination folder, it would be unaffected if I downloaded the official game in 2 days.
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Oh, the SD70 is a completely different thing. (I was using an SD40-2 for this test.) The problem was within the SP consist I had.
The thing is, I can't open up the main menu since it boots up the prompt error first :confused:

True, it's not a steam related issue since I found the empty folders that T:ANE created in my hard drive, and the original folder destination in a different folder.
Now, does anything get affected if I try to move the trainz files over to the new folder destination? Actually, now I'm curious.
With the release date of T:ANE is around the corner (2 days for me)
is T:ANE going to be a whole new fresh download? If so, that would probably* make this a little easier to relieve on.
*I'm thinking since the problem is based on how I accident set the destination folder, it would be unaffected if I downloaded the official game in 2 days.

You can try to move the folder if you wish. It works, I've done it, but it's not worth it? The new version comes out on Friday and that's a whole new fresh download and installation since the CE version is only a testing version and still has many unfinished and unfixed things in it.

I realize the SD70 is different issue than the T:ANE one. If you have the problem with the SD40-2 as well then there is a missing or broken dependency that's related to both assets. It could be a bogey, or even a simple horn sound. Your best bet is to go into Content Manager and look at these two assets in detail. If you can post the KUIDS for these assets, I'll take a look at them on my system and see what's going on.
