Recent content by waynesbea1

  1. W

    Outside world color change

    Can the color around the map be changed, right now outside my map is a bright whitish and it is very hard to rean the objects on the map. I have seen other people on YouTube with a blue color how can I change this?? thanks for the help...
  2. W

    Car Tagger colors meanings

    Thank you That has helped
  3. W

    Car Tagger colors meanings

    No I have not downloaded A new version. Will it keep the tags I have now, or will I have to start from scratch
  4. W

    Car Tagger colors meanings

    Sorry I did not put more information in my post Trainz 22+ Build 122411 To go a bit further, when I go to tag a car lets say a empty box car I have multiple industries some are green with 100% and next to that a white number "0" if I tag that car to that location the number now says "1" There...
  5. W

    Car Tagger colors meanings

    Does anyone know what the different colors and the percentages stand for and the numbers to the right of the colored boxes. does the 100% mean that industry does not need cars or is it 100% empty? thanks, if you can answer me. Wayne
  6. W

    contents for cars not working

    The content for car was working in surveyor and in driver, I don't know if I changed a setting or what, but I can no longer change the contents of cars. I get a properties tab but can not change.. HELP PLEASE,, Running Trainz 22+ Build 122411
  7. W

    animation not working in trainz 2022 while in survey mode

    should the cars and smoke be working while in survey mode? If so how do I get them to work?
  8. W

    Laying Roads Help!!!!1

    I have been playing around with Trainz for quite a while now and have a W I P that i'm trying to make as real as possible. I don't know how to lay the roads so they go with the contour of the ground, they are either flat or the ground is covering parts. I have seen screenshots with rolling hills...
  9. W


    Hi all,:wave: I am trying to find someone to make a DEM of a specific area. I only want to make 1 route and would like it as accurate as possible. Google earth has the terrain, and I for the life of me can not understand all that needs to be done using the TransDEM program. Any help on...
  10. W


    Is there anyone who makes Dems from Google Earth for others?
  11. W

    want to upgrade

    Hey all I now have Trainz 2009 and have a route I've been working on,and but would like to upgrade to eather 2010 or 2012 for better graphic witch one do you all think I should go with.
  12. W

    Copy parts of other layous POSSIBLE ????

    I'm sure this have been asked and answered but I can not find it anywhere. Can I copy a section of one layout and put it in my own layout.. Can this be done?? How is it done I am running Trainz 2009 Thanks for any help