Recent content by Tuddley3

  1. T

    Is there a way to manually change keyboard hotkeys?

    Can you customize your keyboard hotkeys? I'm a long time MSTS fan. In MSTS all you have to do is go to Options and select Keyboard. Then click on for example Throttle Increase which is default "W", and you can change it by pressing NumPad Minus. Then to change Throttle Decrease which is default...
  2. T

    Where to find freeware routes for Railroad Simulator pwd by Trainz 12 and TS2010?

    Are there any freeware sites for community routes and activities like TrainSim has for MSTS. I just got Railroad Simulator powered by Trainz 12 as an early X-mas gift and can't afford to purchase Download Station tickets at the moment. Since it is compatible with TS2010 content, I figured there...