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      alpha777 replied to the thread Input Table Rule.
      Working well, thanks for the help.
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      alpha777 replied to the thread Input Table Rule.
      That explains it, I was using <kuid2:609850:100018:1> Move Turntable. I will download the right one and try it. Thanks a lot, I'll let...
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      alpha777 replied to the thread Input Table Rule.
      Move Turntable command doesn't work without rule?
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      alpha777 replied to the thread Input Table Rule.
      Thanks, that doesn't work for me I need to move turntable to the appropriate roads for roundhouse engines first.
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      alpha777 replied to the thread Input Table Rule.
      Hey Stagecoach, are you able to explain how EIT would work setting up a turn table for AI use with all dependancies if you have time...
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      alpha777 replied to the thread Input Table Rule.
      The rule is working in trs19 but not trs20 pe and plus, I'm scratching my head also. I intended to use it to automate a turntable.
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      alpha777 reacted to engineeral's post in the thread Input Table Rule with Like Like.
      I am having the same problem with Trainz 2022PE SP4. I am continuing to explore to see what I might be able to do, but this minute I am...
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      alpha777 posted the thread Input Table Rule in General Trainz.
      Hi Guys, I have a problem with the Input Table. When I try to edit and click on the add button, the message dialog opens up behind the...
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