UK Screenshots (Hi Res Version)


Those normal maps look really nice, can't seem to replicate similar effect in TS12, though.

The Brush is looking promising, building up anticipation for the BR Green variants.

I can't get it to go away; it may be an artifact of whatever program people use to make normals. (Blender's normal creator never worked for me).
Excellent shots all and the 31 looks superb R3 .

New Street station B end


Waiting the road , All stations to Stourbridge Junction


Got the road for a loco change


Waiting time on a 304 , All stations to Wolverhampton

Those are absolutely superb, Dave: instantly recognisable even before I saw your descriptions - having had regular spells working in Brum over three decades from the 1970s, not to mention changing there frequently en route between other destinations South and North, New Street's a place I know pretty well.

The only tiny reservation I have is down to T:ANE rather than you, and that's the all-pervading sunny brightness - I certainly have seen Brum in bright sunshine, but not all that frequently.... The station's sub-surface location and the height of the surrounding buildings means that even its exposed throats often lurk in a certain air of doom and despair: a lighting quality of which those sun-baked Ozzie boys at N3V seem completely oblivious. T:ANE's apparent inability to reproduce more subdued light rather robs creators of a chance to capture the gloomier shades of atmosphere which are so characteristic of our Northern climes!

Fantastic work everyone, I'm loving the Class 31 rumour3 and that model of Birmingham New Street is simply superb.

Shandres4- is that 150 in Australia? :hehe:
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