That Confounded BLINDING Yellow Compass


New member
I know that somone in Trainz R&D spent a lot of time dreaming up the Blinding Yellow Compass in Trainz.

It has a "yellow color texture", where is that file that tells it to be "Yellow" ?

I want to change the color of the compass to a Light Gray, or remove the compass completly !

This blinding yellow compass has always been a huge distraction to my eyes, and really is not needed in Trainz.

Is there a code that I can change somewhere ... or type in a line in trainzoptions to: Disable=Compass ?

Surely the Compass technical files are somewhere hidden in a JA file or such ?

Where can I find the Compass file ?

It would be nice if there was KB command to turn off the Blinding Yellow Compass !

Possibly by editing a line, or adding a line in "Settings/KB Commands".


That ... and the default Trainz clickity clack tracksound files ... why are they so well hidden, so that we can not alter them by editing ?
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Time for an update?


That's what it looks like in TS2010, what are you seeing?
Yes that pointy, spikey, blinding yellow compass (N-S-E-W thingy) is so distracting ... I wish I could disable it or re-color it.

Who really need it ?

I mean ... Why on earth does it have to be so darn big and tall, why cant it just be a small yellow dot, instead of the childish looking, big, fat, ugly, blinding, stupid lookin' yellow Compass.

This thing is really hard on the eyes ... and is constantly in the way ... it is a complete distraction in Surveyor !
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I refer to it quite a bit when I'm building routes. It helps to know which way you're facing before you lay down miles of track. This is especially true when you are making modules to join with each other. Nothing gnashes teeth more than hoping to fit two modules together and find out that one is oriented N/S and the other E/W.

I do agree that perhaps it could be not quite as 'spikey' though. Maybe just a compass rose lying flat or even raised a scale foot or so from the ground.

yes it is in a .ja file (base.ja I think) beyond that it is/would be a simple re-texture one could do. However the Yellow is probably going to be the best color for seeing it.

So the question now is how do you change colors in the base.ja file? Is there a way to open it built in, or is a hex editor needed?
I'm humming a Rolling Stones parody to the song: "I see a Yellow Compass ... and I want it painted gray" ... I don't wanna see it at all ... I hatez it ... more than I hatez meeces to pieces !

I really do wanna know how to do this ... but in Gray

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Changing the Gird to another color is easy, by opening up the Grid asset and editing the texture file with Pev tools software.

But messing with the Grid, does not change the Compass colour.
But messing with the Grid, does not change the Compass colour.

I don't think it's reasonable to assume that anyone would make that stretch, surely if the grid is the same color as the compass, it would achieve the same results as if the compass were the same color as the grid. Or am I missing the point somehow?:confused:
The Grid is an asset, and it's texture file is easily edited ... however the Compass is an internal JA file thingy, hidden away, and not easily edited.

I woudl love it if the compass was the same colour as the baseboard gray.

Brainstorm: I'll change the Trainz baseboard to be yellow, with gray lines ... then I won't even see that dastardly Blinding Yellow Compass !
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The Grid is an asset, and it's texture file is easily edited ... however the Compass is an internal JA file thingy, hidden away, and not easily edited.

I refer you to my last post up there, and respectfully disengage from your thread. We don't seem to be connecting, and I don't want to belabor the issue.:wave:
Then this idea is un godly ?

If it can be done ... then it should be achivable for anyone to be able to do it.

How do you open up a JA file ?

And where is the Compass file ?

We're beating around a bush here ... and giving no answers ... perhaps no one here knows how to change the color, or what to open up a JA file with.

Probably because only one person here has done it, and he alone is the only person in this thread, that actually knows how to change the colour of the compass ... but he say's "Don't Ask" ...

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