Russian or Chinese steam locomotives

Hey guys,

This probably the first time I would bring up the this topic. I saw in one of the forums about a Chinese SY 2-8-2 and I thought that there could be Russian or Chinese steam locomotives made for Trainz. Do you guys know any sites where I could find them?


There has been some Russian steam up on the DLS recently. You may want to take a look up there.
Alec --

This one is payware. Absolutely superbly detailed. If you scroll through the Payware Forum eventually you should find it. Watch full screen and at 1080p:

Those three L-class Russian locomotives on the Download Station need a little work to get them going properly. If it was me I'd change the anindist of the drivers to 4.65. The cab called up in the config.txt file is not on the Download Station. I'd substitute "Bigsteam_Interior_Mechanism". I did come across another L-class somewhere on the Web. A corrected version that can be used in T:ANE can be downloaded from my Dropbox folder, here: Loco Steam L-3393 TANE_v2.cdp?dl=0

Finally the Chinese QJ locomotive. It's a port of the MSTS version so it's not as super detailed as the best Trainz locomotives. It was rumoured that Ocemy was going to release a QJ as DLC. In the meantime, download the T:ANE version of the MSTS original here: Loco QianJin #2005 TANE.cdp?dl=0

Hope this helps.

Thanks Phil, The Russian Loco RZD SU L-3393 is a beauty. Here's a screenshot on the Niddertalbahn route.



The loco is well detailed and sounds great. Thanks again mate.