Resolve Naming Conflicts Tool


UMR Pax Sessionz
Merging routes can be a useful way to grow your route. However, this may create conflicts with named objects such as junctions. As a result, AI traffic cannot navigate the route without running into a junction that shares a name with another junction thirty baseboards away. (It comes up as "Junction is missing lever", even though the lever is present.) To resolve these, you'd have to go through each item in the Find (CTRL+F) list manually, and this can take hours of precious building and driving time. What Trainz should have is a naming conflict resolution function, which will identify conflicting names and either prompt you to rename it yourself or let the program assign it an unused generic name (i.e. Trackmark 2523, Junction 105, Trigger 5259, AJS 1T 3.5m Invisible Station 6, etc.). This tool would be trainable, so that it could selectively rename items and ignore such items as speed limits, mileposts, and station signs.
Great idea, Scott.

Post this over in the suggestions box.

I wonder though because I've never had this issue with merging routes. The trackmarks are usually named already because they're easier to remember than Trackmark 123445, for example. Switch levers seem to renumber themselves.
