Ouch. My arm hurts.

HI Alan.

Nice to hear that you are about and on the forum again,bad luck about the Arm though, and we all wish you a speedy recovery.
Cheers mate.
Good to see you around here again Alan. To bad about the arm. Hope it heals well and you can keep all movement in your hands. Been their with my wife 15 years ago. ( only 10% movement in her right wrist now) Don't be a stranger.


Nice to read that you are still thinking of us, and hope your arm heals quickly !

A side note, your thread brought Dave back (dh2k3), if only to say "hello".
I had been wondering if he was still around, hadn't read from him here or at TPR lately.

Get healed and stop by often ---DLR

Been busy with something called college ya know :)

He's on IRC chat just about every day :p


True but I've been bust with other things like college, WoW, KRS, etc.
Good to hear from you and Lance :)

Don't forget your old chat buddies :)

He quit waffling as well :eek:

meh college thends to do that to ya :p

Hi Alan,

Sorry to hear about the Owey..... I sure know a thing or two about hospitals and surgery..... Hope you're on the mend.

Glad to see you back on the forum and look forward to seeing your thoughts, comments and creations.

Take care

Hi Alan,

I'm glad to hear from you! Sorry about the bad luck with your fall. That must've hurt!

Keep in touch once you've settled in.


Hi Alan how are you and it is a shame about your arms hopefully you will came back. If you or JCITRON can answer about Grand Central Station I got the tracks done but GCS and 125 st sta are not there have an answer about those two see you again Mario:)