looking for sydney metro lightrail trams....

i'm going to request sydney's light rail trams for trainz
maybe also the monorail:)

this has footage of the light rail and the inside cab close to the end of the video
more light rail footage
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Siemens Combino?

Do you know any specs? who are the manfacturers? They look very similar to the Siemens Combino units available on Download station, produced by 'piatrkapu' (search for either Siemens Combino or the username and you'll fnd them.) This is an excellent model complete with interior and operating doors and pantograph. A simple edit could re-colour the model to the correct livery.

sydney lrt

they are made by adtranz and the type is variotram
actually i already have piotrkapu's trams. the new version. the light rail has doors on both sides
there's a tech sheet as a .pdf file as well as info
specs plus images of the light rail
i tried recolouring the cobino. it wasen't right because the slr has doors on both sides for sections 2 and 4. also australia is right hand drive which effects evey single transit system including light rail. there's a big difference between combino and variotram

sydney variotram
*image deleted*
besides, i already have most of piotrkapu's trams already:)
i need this because i am doing the sydney light rail map for trainz
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recommended tram builders

this project is also for people who live in sydney, been on the light rail and know the specs
some tips

also this tram is bi-directional which means drivable at both ends. which also means you need to make 3 sections only: a and e {(front and back) bogied}, b and d (section between bogied sections), and c {(centre) also bogied}
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