I'm looking for a good platform. [Ref photo 850x864]


UMR Pax Sessionz
I'll be a bit picky about this, since it's for a route I'm planning on building. I'm looking for a platform that is 1.3m high, 8m wide, and has two yellow safety lines, and has a counterpart that is 5m wide and has a single yellow safety line. Composition can be whatever, but concrete is preferred. Something that looks a bit like this image. The similar ones I have from gandalf0444 are a little too dark and off-color for my plans.

Try searching for the NSW Cityrail platforms by Deadly - although the surface is meant to be bitumen and not concrete, it's light grey so it does resemble concrete quite closely. It also has the safety strip on the edge as well - it's a bluish grey colour though and not yellow, although it does have white and yellow lines alongside it.

They're also 04 content as well but there shouldn't be any errors with them in modern versions if I remember rightly.
Thanks. I couldn't find the NSW CityRail platforms by deadly, but I did find some other platforms. I also reskinned gandalf0444's platforms as an alternative option.
Deadly's platforms are just labelled as 'Platform xxx', and as such, can't be found by searching for 'Cityrail'. If you're using the Black Pages make sure 04 is ticked as well, as they're 04 content and will only show up if 04 is ticked.

Anyway, to make it easier I'll just list their KUID's here: KUID:102738:2000, KUID:102738:2001, KUID2:102738:1010:1 and KUID2:102738:1011:1 (he made other ones as well, but these are the ones with the 'safety strip' on the edge). :)
I got one like that coming out soon. It has that base color, and a deprecate one without the warning yellow strip. If you want, I can make a version with a phrase ex: "stand behind yellow line"
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