compressed HTML help file problem


Trainz operator
Hello again forums, i was wondering about

you see, the document is a compressed .html document, and there's a program associated with it.

Problem is is that the program associated with that filetype takes ages to read and display it.

Now, I don't mean ages like a minute por 2, I mean it takes hours to read or display it.

to my understanding, I was linked this by the Trainz classics CCG, seen

It was on page 13 labled under "API Programmer's Referance Manual - Covers most script classes and methords".

I don't know what to do since it wont display anything other then a load up icon.:sleep:
Actually, it's a CHM (Compiled HTML Help) file, which you will need to extract from the .ZIP file in order to use it.

You will need at least IE6 to use the file.

Unfortunately, CHM files are (officially) only openable by Microsoft HTML Help.

As for the IE6 thing, I think that was the first version of IE to include HTML help. (or was it IE 5.1?)

In short, you will not be able to.

Only HTML Help is able to open such files AFAIK.


EDIT: It's a security-related thing, as CHM files have been known to carry untoward things, hence the reason why IE is not used to open the files.
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That was actually a check, not a suggestion - IE6 or higher has to be installed for HTML Help to be present on a system.

Well, what your saying... is shrowded in mistery... So I guess I will install IE 6 and hope for the best, and for me to understand it.
I tried to find IE 6, but I didin't find it, so i tried some different stuff.

and the problem has been fixed, the problem was that windows 7 blocked the file from opening.
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It's not a problem m8, we all talk differently.

Plus, I'm learning scripting for trainz if you haven't guessed.:D My Bulkhead wagon in my banner is gonna rock after this is done. :D