Australian screenshots


i was wondering if anyone here can help me
my content manager is not updating
i get an error saying it cant find my profile
would it be the fact i have trainz installed on 2 computers?
any help appreciated

i was wondering if anyone here can help me
my content manager is not updating
i get an error saying it cant find my profile
would it be the fact i have trainz installed on 2 computers?
any help appreciated

Sorry I have no idea about this but a friend of mine was having the same problem on his install of 2006 this afternoon so your not alone might be a server hick up at Auran
route im working on

just some screenies on the route im working on. mainly featuring davido's reverse 44 class :)!


4497 At Dunmore/Shellharbour


4497 continues south to Nowra, over the Minnamurra River ;)
hi willem2

just awesome mate

i did'nt realise till later that they were still the resized lights that i put on the volvos,
but the truck and the lights are fantastic

i had nearly no stuttering at all

thanks heaps mate


Anyone interested in 3D Eucalypts for '09 or '10?

Looks like there are some new ones in the pipeline! Not the ones I was working on (cannot be stuffed nor do I have the time to finish them off), but still... New trees!

From Jankvis' payware thread:

'I have read about this and Aussie trees will be made soon. I will try to get a set finished before next weekend'

So, looks like we'll soon have some new Aussie trees made for us! Of course, they are going to be payware. But certainly something much needed! I think we'll all have to chip in when these are finished and purchase them. I certainly will. Jankvis does some amazing work, and deserves a small token from everyone who can pay for his contributions to our community. I think we should all give him a warm Aussie 'Thanks' and cough up the small fee when they're released.
In case you haven't noticed!! I posted screenshots of Speedtrees I made on here. Two Box Barks are now on the DLS. Just uploaded a Mallee. Also looking to make some more types from Auran Speedtrees. These are a lot more than simple reskins. Maybe later I'll look at making some original 3D trees. You also seem to have overlooked the fact that I've also made some fairly good 2004 trees. IMHO at least as good as any other Oz trees.
Trees look good Jan. These are some Aus Speedtrees I've been working on all based on Auran types. Very hacked about to make the bark and leves look more realistic.
There seems to be a general attitude on these forums that if it doesn't have wheels and run on rails it's of little importance. The 1st original trees I made where Hoop Pines that had not been made before. When I put apost about these in on Freeware announcement, there were over 100 views, but not one reply. Only started making trees because of the poor level of quality of all Aus trees available. When the best I could find was JVC birches, it doesn't say much for what had been made. So I decided to make my own. But if your not a "name" or not in some clique or guess what you've worked so hard to make just gets overlooked in favour of the usual stuff. This may sound like bit of an "attitude" but I think the trees I've made are as good or better as boobless ed's and dmdrake's Aussies trees. IMHO ed's trees are all the same colour and the trunks and branches look like fuzzy pipes. Quantity sure, realism?


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These are all original Gmax trees with textures made with Gimp. Also made some reskins mostly from JVC trees. Most of these original types haven't been made before, who bothered to make grass trees, melaleucas, iroron barks or wattles?



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There seems to be a general attitude on these forums that if it doesn't have wheels and run on rails it's of little importance. The 1st original trees I made where Hoop Pines that had not been made before. When I put apost about these in on Freeware announcement, there were over 100 views, but not one reply. Only started making trees because of the poor level of quality of all Aus trees available. When the best I could find was JVC birches, it doesn't say much for what had been made. So I decided to make my own. But if your not a "name" or not in some clique or guess what you've worked so hard to make just gets overlooked in favour of the usual stuff. This may sound like bit of an "attitude" but I think the trees I've made are as good or better as boobless ed's and dmdrake's Aussies trees. IMHO ed's trees are all the same colour and the trunks and branches look like fuzzy pipes. Quantity sure, realism?
Well thats just how the fourms work I have loco's on the DLS that have over 5000 downloads but no one ever commented on the screen shots and when I posted a thread asking for feed back or comments about them I never got one reply.

i have foudn your trees a welcome addition to the aussie scene, i have been where i can introducing them into my work. you can never have to many aussie trees in any way shape or form. i for one do appeciate your work, sorry if i have not mentioned before. Keep up the good work.


hi falcon

i agree with ghosty totally

if i could find all your trees on the dls they would be on my qld route.

they look much better then some 2 sided trees that i have to use at the moment.

i got some of yours, but not most


ps. please dont stop making them
you do make a huge difference to the oz scene mate
In case you haven't noticed!! I posted screenshots of Speedtrees I made on here. Two Box Barks are now on the DLS. Just uploaded a Mallee. Also looking to make some more types from Auran Speedtrees. These are a lot more than simple reskins. Maybe later I'll look at making some original 3D trees. You also seem to have overlooked the fact that I've also made some fairly good 2004 trees. IMHO at least as good as any other Oz trees.

Relax, it isn't a competition! And quit with the attitude. You may say that it isn't an attitude, but when you criticise others content and say that yours is better without also going into the reasons and critique of why you think your content, then that's a bit unfair. Seems a bit self serving to me. You mention quality over quantity; why not share your techniques regarding your quality? So that we can all benefit?

I have noticed your trees. Why wouldn't I have? You make do fine work. But you surely cannot complain about more trees, could you? :)

Despite many Eucalypts looking similar, the way I see it there is simply never going to be enough no matter how many variations by many content creators are made. :p

Fair call on my trees. I don't like them much either, and never had. I only released them (several years back) because people were still using the default gum trees that came with the first edition of Trainz! I was merely filling a gap. But they can't be that bad if so many Aussie routes are using them. But if I remember, when I released them there was almost no feedback for them. But I'm not really surprised.

Quite honestly, I also have a problem with how most people on the forums don't seem to care about anything that doesn't have wheels. My main interest in content is scenery. I often never get feedback for any scenery items. Over the many (many!) years I've been here though, I really don't mind. People are simply more likely to get excited when a train - the most common reason for them being interested in uh... Trains - is released. People don't get into trains or Trainz because they've seen some track or some trackside scenery that they like! :p So I cannot blame them. There is also a huge amount more work that goes into a loco or wagon than say, a building or foliage set. And people respect that and give much more feedback for something which has required many hundreds of hours of work over something that has say, a few dozen hours of work. How can I complain about that?

If you want, feel free to edit my gums if you have problems with them. I mention in the config that anybody can do whatever edits they see fit. They don't even have to contact me. If not, don't worry. I really don't care. I'm an advocate of open source, and if you're using The Gimp, then I see you are too.

We also now have Jankvis, a highly respectable content creator from overseas creating Australian content. We don't often get that! So can you not welcome him rather than go off on a silly rant about how your content is better?

People are still complaining about the lack of 09/10 trees. They don't have to all be made by you. I'll have more respect for you if you start respecting other content creators. Rather than going on a self serving ramble, why not welcome his work? If you think that you make better content, why not offer your hints and tips to him and act like you're part of a community? That's how it works around here.
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I 100% agree with you James. Also, Falcon, I use your trees in my content, and they are Fantastic.
