Another copyright question

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To stop all the hastle have a look at this post and note the date.

July 22nd, 2012, 07:14 AM#48

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Did it de-fame you ?

Was it an insulting asset ?

Don't worrry about your supposed copyrights ... it really doesn't matter, and no court in the world would care ... or take your case to court.

Copyrights ... Schmoppyrights ... it's all the same ... he's not getting rich off of your asset ... what's the diffrence ?

Copyrights are copyrights. And yes, courts would care, and would allow the case to go to court in regards to a piece of digital content, with a copywrite that has been violated. How would you feel if you let someone have your PRR route one day, and they turned around and started selling it? Heck, even claiming it is their route. Is it just nonsense to you then?

If you don't know what you are talking about, in this case copywrite law, then you shouldn't say anything at all.
Good Evening All
If you think an author's copyright has been violated, then please contact the author. Please refrain from simply accusing people publicly.

In this case, if the content has been placed on the DLS (which this content had been!) then it can be included as built-in. It is up to the uploader to have obtained permission for this. It should also be noted that Ben's license simply asks that the uploader obtain permission to release modified content... Only two people actually know if this has been given, the uploader and Ben. Hence you would need to report it to Ben for him to look into...

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