Help Copying a Driver Set Up to a new session


Recovering RBR Addict
I have followed the WIKI as far as I know.....
In Edit mode I show 2 Driver Set Ups and between them they have all the commands for (3 trains).
BUT, no commands show up when I try to start the session.
What am I missing??


Well, after 4 days of further testing and NO HELP from the Forum (S,O&E), it is my conclusion that this IS A BUG.

The Nitty-Gritty:

I have a complete session that runs repeatedly, with no problems.
I have a second session that runs the same way.
They should be the basis for a session that could include at least 2 more trains.
I cannot continue because the AI Commands (Copied from the first to the second session) show up in Surveyor, but will not show up in the combined session when it is played.

TRS19 Plus

Where oh where is SCS, with it's simple GUI, paths and all the rest ???
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Well I don't have TRS2019, but driver set up is for AI drivers NOT human; at least that's always been the case afaik, and I only have Tane.
There are many things that could cause this problem.

Copying the Driver Setup Rule from one session to another does not also copy the locos that the drivers are assigned to. Are the consists in both sessions in the sessions or are they in the route? Are they the same locos (i.e. same type of loco and same assigned names) or are some of the locos absent from the destination session? Have you unchecked the "Remove all drivers first" from both Driver Setup Rules? Are both Driver Setup Rules at the top level (flush against the left margin)?

Just some things to keep you occupied.
I just ran some tests using a very simple test route with two sessions. Consists were placed in the sessions and were the same in both. Session 1 had driver commands assigned to all the consists while session 2 did not.

I copied the Driver Setup Rule from Session 1 to Session 2 with the copied rule at the bottom of the Session Editor list. Started Driver and no drivers were assigned commands as you observed.

I then moved the copied Driver Setup Rule to the top of the Session Editor list (above the original with no assigned driver commands) and started Driver. All drivers now had driver commands and started following them.

EDIT: There are a number of possible conclusions from this - but I am unable to explore them for the time being. Later when I return to my Trainz computer.
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I have copied driver set ups from three different sessions and placed them into one session. Uncheck all the boxes at the bottom of the driver list before transfer. Once transferred check there are no duplicates of assigned engines with the other driver set up. The top driver set up will be read first followed by the next and any duplicate engine in the second will be ignored.
If you want to use the same engines for two different sets of commands then use the schedule library.
Thank you Stagecoach, I think that is the key point.

Where a session contains duplicated locos, only the first will become active (with or without driver commands). Duplicate driver names should not be a problem.

I have now updated the Trainz Wikis on using the Session Editor and the Driver Setup Rule to emphasise this point.
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pware & stagecoach, thanks guys a lot.

But now my problem that I updated my TRS19 Plus to the new beta 105624 and that is a MESS.
