"She is coming round the mountain"

AWESOME THAT'S GREAT LOVE IT but guess I will have to wait until I get home to watch the video because Right now im in my free period at school because I just am about to send the last paper I needed to have in :hehe:
I was in the area to photograph her, did not make it to the curve as it was packed. I got shots in Altoona and Huntington. Sunday turned out to be a beautiful day but there was not much traffic.
I'm suprised that they let anyone up there as the RR and watershed cops usually kick people out of all unauthorized areas on the "Curve" ... usually a location like that would have been mobbed ... and I did see like 12 people on/near the "Rock" in one video.

During one Presedential vist to the curve, a special viewing platform was located uphill from the curve at @ this location: http://www.post-gazette.com/images2/20040705ho_sylvania_horseshoePJ_580.jpg
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Thanks for that its mightily impressive . You will always get people the wrong side of the fence when steam is about, Its the same here in the UK !