XTR EFFORT VX - Route Layout for TRS2006


After a long waiting, I return with my screens. The route is XTR EFFORT VX, already present at DLS, but some screens show additional improvements.
As usual, I greatly appreciate any comments from users.

Follow this link to my blog 'A TIME'S MEMORY':

New screens depic some aspects of Wellington-Paddington Line.

More screens on Paddington-Wellington Line in XTR EFFORT VX environment at:
A TIME'S MEMORY - http://hygimia69.blogspot.com/2006/12/bit-of-relax-xtr-effort-vx-mod-route_02.html

(640x480 jpeg image)

Today screens at: http://hygimia69.blogspot.com/2006/12/bit-of-relax-xtr-effort-vx-mod-route_03.html

Today screens posted at A TIME'S MEMORY blog:

To view screens, go to A TIME'S MEMORY blog:
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Today screens at: http://hygimia69.blogspot.com/2006/12/bit-of-relax-xtr-effort-vx-mod-route_10.html

To see the screens go to http://hygimia69.blogspot.com/2006/12/bit-of-relax-xtr-effort-vx-mod-route_11.html




To see today screens go to http://hygimia69.blogspot.com/2006/12/bit-of-relax-xtr-effort-vx-mod-route_12.html


Boca Line - Industrial Site

XTR-EFFORT VX is the last version of my first route layout originally developed into TRS2004 environment. This early work - called 'Lombardia' - was very naif. Time to time, I gained knowledge of surveyor features and in three years I obtained XTR-EFFORT.
But the route layout contains some things the Trainz users don't appreciate at all.
I think the major problem with this route are the objects, some derived from TRS2004 and perhaps the size (more than 15MB).
Also, textures are poorly cared and the hills too raw to rensemble realistic.
Flora and human figures are also neglected...
I would like to ask the users to send me some comments and suggestion even in the light of the my intention for a future release of my early ISLE of WIGHT route layout.
All of your comments will be warmly welcomed. Giuseppe.
Route specs:
*More than 70km of railtracks mainly SG.
*Narrow gauge railtracks for at least 12km.
*Tram service line, with 20 stops.
*Passenger service: mainline with 13 station: Pwlelly (headline), 1 track - Welton Island, 1 track - Ogopogo Haven (headline), 1 track - Tahoma Weld, 1 track - Pembroke, 1 track - Lauderdale, 2 tracks - Wyse, 1 track - Blevins, 1 track - Tynedoon, 1 track - Mount Carmel, 1 track - Lambeau, 2 tracks - Wellington, 4 tracks (headline) - Paddington, 1 track.
*Commuter train service line with 7 passenger station, third rail electric traction, 25km long: Antwone - Brettcreek, 2 tracks - Wellwill - Allentwon, 2 tracks - Hettysburg - Tynedoon - Boca (head).
*Mainline: Wellington-to-Ogopogo Haven (50km), single track, electrified.
*Wellington-Paddington section: diesel traction only, single track with several tunnels (1km to 3km long), two waiting loop, max. altitude ca. 300meters above sea level.
*Interactive industries: two main site, New Industrial site and Boca Industrial Site. Narrow gauge section has one main site with NG/SG interchange. Industries: forestry, lumber mill, general goods, coal mine, power station, diesel depot.
*Two yards: main, Tynedoon yards (8 tracks, turntable, engine shed) - Tahoma Weld yards (with power plant).
*Environment: hills and small mountains all over the layout, small pond and lakes. Border water sea at Welton and Tahoma.
*City environment: several town and hamlets with two major centres, Pembroke and Wellington.
*Signals: NSW style signals, with speed signs renameable.
*No payware contents.
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Today screens: http://hygimia69.blogspot.com/2006/12/bit-of-relax-xtr-effort-vx-mod-route_13.html

DERAILMENT AT BOCA INDUSTRIES - A coal train was unable to stop at red signal due to wheelslip and collided with woodchips train.

Today screens: http://hygimia69.blogspot.com/2006/12/bit-of-relax-xtr-effort-vx-mod-route_14.html


Parking Lot near Wellington Station.

Today screens: http://hygimia69.blogspot.com/2006/12/bit-of-relax-xtr-effort-vx-mod-route_15.html


Narrow Gauge sub-system: coal mine.

Today screens: http://hygimia69.blogspot.com/2006/12/bit-of-relax-xtr-effort-vx-mod-route_16.html

Today screens at http://hygimia69.blogspot.com/2006/12/bit-of-relax-xtr-effort-vx-mod-route_17.html

BOCA INDUSTRIES, freight train loading.
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