One thing I cant stand is when there is a wrong cab on a train. For example I have downloaded the class 158 and the cab is a class 43s.
on rail simulater the cabs are unbeliavably realistic.
What are your views
Yours klambert.
Building a cab takes about as much time as building a loco. The Rail Simulator locos and cabs you are referring to are probably the built in stock that have been created by professional graphic artists in 3ds. Trainz tends to be much more community based ie people build these items for free using for the most part free software such as GMAX. Many humble creators such as myself have difficulty convincing the other half that spending $3,500 on a CAD package is a worthwhile investment.
GMAX is not as capable as 3ds however we, as in the community, are building a Blender exporter which should give us much the same capabilities as 3ds in the future. Blender is free 3d cad software.
Each product has its strengths and weaknesses. Rail Simulator from what I can gather has a very limited number of locos etc., doesn't have things like the DLS and it has a fair number of undocumented system features. Trainz has a lot of free content but not all of it complete with the correct cabs as you have noticed. Cabs can be added or changed via the config.txt file so if you'd like to build a class 158 cab then it could be switched into the existing Class 158 loco.
Tutorials on how to build cabs are available, the software such as GMAX, Blender is free. 3d Canvas is another alturnative, I haven't tried it but its only $70 much cheaper than $3,500.
You could have a look in the payware section of the forum, there is a greater probability that cabs of the correct type will be fitted, but verify before you purchase.
Cheerio John