World Largest Model Railroad Layout

I bet Trainz is not capable of duplicating it.

A few decades ago there were plans to duplicate the Southern Pacific from Sacramento to beyond Reno, maybe even westward from Sacramento, in HO scale in a warehouse in San Francisco. I heard the warehouse had been aquired. It was a comercial venture. I have heard nothing more of it.
Correct me if I'm wrong but it is in San Diego, Ca. Me and my dad tried to get in once but it was members only...

The big layout here in San Diego is pretty impressive. The club operates in Balboa Park, just north of downtown. It's usually open to the public at regular hours, but they might have been having a meeting and not been able to handle visitors when you went.
The big layout is Tehachapi. They also have a model of the San Diego and Arizona Eastern, including the Goat Canyon trestle. I believe when it was built it was the largest curved wooden trestle in the world.

Melbourne Museum

Went to vist a very nice modular layot in the musuem.

The modules were designed do they could be setup in may combinations as I understand it. the problem was at the time they did not have the space to display all the layot,

Lucky for me my dad had a friend who worked there and I was able to go where no one in the public has ever beeen and see the rest of the layot.

They were plkanijg on building a bigger new museum and they should be able to display all of it.

The big layout here in San Diego is pretty impressive. The club operates in Balboa Park, just north of downtown. It's usually open to the public at regular hours, but they might have been having a meeting and not been able to handle visitors when you went.
The big layout is Tehachapi. They also have a model of the San Diego and Arizona Eastern, including the Goat Canyon trestle. I believe when it was built it was the largest curved wooden trestle in the world.


Yes, thats the one. Thank you for reminding me. Is there a website for that club.
