No problem Blue, thanks for your compliments on 731 and also the new banner.

That's the first one I've ever made in blue, and it's actually a darker shade of the same color that these GP15's wear. I like it.
Anyways, news from the front. I have successfully tied up work on 731, just need to check it in game and make sure everything looks right, and then I'll stash it. I'm planning to deliver 4 to 5 units by tomorrow, maybe even tonight at the pace I'm working at. Reusing a some to all of the various weathering layers from 731 will allow me to quickly weather and deliver a handful of other units in weathered condition.
Delivery is planned as follows:
Edit: I'll update the list as I get them done.
CBRY GP15-1 721 (fresh from paint shop, clean, Phase II) (Done)
CBRY GP15-1 725 (dirty but still relatively clean, no sun bleaching, Phase II)
CBRY GP15-1 731 (heavily weathered, Phase I) (Done)
CBRY GP15-1 739 (heavily weathered, Phase II)
CBRY GP15-1 746 (medium weathering, Phase I)
And perhaps I will get 734 out as well, planning to make that one Phase II and use the dirt layer from 731, but also create a new layer to show that it has been in very heavy coal service as a helper unit.