Route Building Rocks
So I got the new K&L PRR K4 anniversary pack recently and I've been looking for routes that would be perfect to run them on. There are, unfortunatly, not a lot of PRR routes in trainz so I decided to try downloading Cape May County, a route that I first learned about back in 2014 after watching a review of it on YouTube. I didn't actually get it at the time since I was playing trainz on my ipad. Anyways, I tried looking the route up on google. Nothing popped up, except the review vid I watched when I was 11, two old discussion threads on the route, and that was it. So I tried the video which had the route linked in the description. Said link lead to one of these dead redirect website things, meaning that the website itself is dead. Shouldn't have been too surprised considering the route is over a decade old. So I tried the Wayback Machine and managed to find the website the route was on. Only problem: you have to be logged in to download and the page that comes after the register account screen seems to have not been achieved. At this point, Im not really sure what to do. I know the route has to exist somewhere out there so if anyone knows a way of obtaining the route, I'd love to know. Thanks!